Login, Appearance and Themes


  • How to Login
  • How to Visit Blogs
  • How to Change the Appearance and Themes

Step 1: Enter the following website into the URL: http://myriverside.sd43.bc.ca/

Step 2: Click Login

Step 3: Enter your Edublogs Username and Password

Step 4: Click Log In

How to Visit a Teachers Blog

To visit a specific teachers blog simply add a backslash (/), followed by the teacher’s first initial and full last name at the end of http://myriverside.sd43.bc.ca/ For example, to visit Mr. Gee’s blog, you would type in http://myriverside.sd43.bc.ca/bgee

How to Visit a Student’s Blog

To visit a student’s blog add a backslash (/), followed by the full first name of the student, the initial of their last name, and 2014. For example, to visit John Smith’s blog, you would type in http://myriverside.sd43.bc.ca/johns2014*

*The 2014 represents the year the student entered grade 9 at Riverside

How to Change the Theme

Step 1: Go to Appearance, select Themes

Step 2: Select a theme that you are interested in, mobile friendly options are available. Choose a mobile friendly option.

Step 3: Once you choose a theme, you can select Live Preview to view what it looks like, or simply activate it

Step 4: Select customize

Step 5: Customize your blog

Site Title and Tagline – Create a title, and brief tagline that represents you

Ex. Mr. Gee’s Techie Blog

Ex. Loves life, sports, family and sleep

Colors – Select the color that you would like the background of your blog to be

Header Image – Upload a picture to use as your header

Background Image – Upload a picture to use as your background

*To optimize your photo for both the background and header image, please make sure they are the appropriate size. There is a link below to help you re-size your picture.

Navigation – Select what navigation menu you will use once you create your menu structure, for most it will be titled “main”

Widgets – To control widgets you may have added to your blog

Static Front Page – Control what page you want viewers to see when they first go to your blog, it can be your latest posts or a static page

Useful Links

Official Edublog Guide to Changing Themes and Appearance

How to Resize Your Pictures

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