Circle Reflection

        Today in class Ms. Galligos came to our class and guided us through a circle talk with us. Through the circle, I learned lots of new things about my peer’s family. I found out one can learn lots of things through oral communication. One of the things I personally learned are the principles of listening to people and really connecting and understanding where they are coming from. Another way you can learn from oral communication is to really express your mind and feelings without feeling embarrassed, ashamed or scared to share with others. This is important because to be more comfortable with your peers, oral communication is a way to help you feel more connected like friends instead of strangers. The circle talking made the community in this room became stronger. Through exposing ourselves, (especially when we had to talk about the most embarrassing thing we ever went through) I think that the whole class became the unity of the circle, and everyone seemed to know each other better than when we started. I really enjoyed this circle talk experience and would love to do this in the future again.

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