Silver Linings Reflection

Due to the plan-ruining global pandemic, we are all currently being quarantined in our homes. There are so many things I would rather do than being quarantined like hanging out with my friends or just go to public spaces in general without feeling the fear of catching a deathly virus. But through this quarantine, there […]

Circle Reflection

        Today in class Ms. Galligos came to our class and guided us through a circle talk with us. Through the circle, I learned lots of new things about my peer’s family. I found out one can learn lots of things through oral communication. One of the things I personally learned are […]

Partner Paragraph

       Sophia Quiring is smart, curious, and has a mind of wonders. She believes that there might be other life-possessing planets besides Earth! But what if the other life was not as friendly as we thought? If the “Other Life” came to Earth to start an apocalypse, three items Sophia would choose to […]