Podcast Project


Background Music

Music jingle

In the assignment we were tasked with doing, I was able to research and cover one of the residential schools that resided in Canada. Lejac Residential School was a government-funded school, administered by the Christian churches. During its 54 years of running, 4 students died, while all others were mentally, physically, and emotionally drained and abused. The purpose of this school and others like it was to remove all indigenous values, beliefs, and speech from the young minds of indigenous children.

Podcast Script




Advertising Target Markets

In the IKEA commercial, it was shown that a old man was walking, towards his spot in the park to feed some birds. However, one day, he saw that someone took his spot. But that doesn’t stop him from going to his spot everyday, so he came back to the same spot but he brought a chair with him. And that chair he got was being advertised by IKEA. Since it’s from IKEA, they would want to target a mass audience, especially a large number of people who are always out and on the go, based off the commercial. The commercial makes you feel like plain folks like us could use the product. Another technique they use is transference with plenty of positive images of an old man being able to go anywhere and use his IKEA chair. Having a large number of people learn about IKEA could lead potential buyers into coming back and buying more furniture products.