Podcast Project


Background Music

Music jingle

In the assignment we were tasked with doing, I was able to research and cover one of the residential schools that resided in Canada. Lejac Residential School was a government-funded school, administered by the Christian churches. During its 54 years of running, 4 students died, while all others were mentally, physically, and emotionally drained and abused. The purpose of this school and others like it was to remove all indigenous values, beliefs, and speech from the young minds of indigenous children.

Podcast Script




Short story to “Evil Robot Monkey”

In this assignment we were tasked with reading two short stories and choosing one and create one of the stories as a different writing type. There were several steps I had to take while writing this assignment. In the process of taking the short story “Evil Robot Monkey”. I had to choose between what type of writing type I wanted. So I decided to write a news article about it. I first had to read the story to get a better understanding of who the main characters are, and what all transpired during the short story. I noted who all could be a potential witness to the “scene of the crime”. Made notes over key tidbits that happened. Chose my characters and started working on the article. I had to work diligently and reread the story a couple times to get the full details for the article. With patience and the notes I made while reading, I was able write the article over the genetically modified chimp who went wild at a research facility. During this assignment, I’ve learned that even though some assignments look easier than others, it actually requires a lot of patience and diligent work to complete the work.

Newspaper Practice – “Harrison Bergeron”

Prisoner shows live telecast how humans used to be

Andrea Larieta

People protesting outside the Government’s building without their headsets on after last nights telecast. This telecast special showed 8 ballerinas dancing, halfway through and it was interrupted for a news alert.

Harrison Bergeron, who was held on charges for conspiring against the government, just escaped from his prison cell. This dangerous, under-handicapped genius then broke into the studio, and dared to show the nation how things would’ve been like during the “dark ages”. One viewer from home witnessed seeing different flying pictures of Harrison across the screen, and next thing they knew a living breathing version of him was standing on screen.

Another witness vouched and stated “It was unlike anything I’ve ever seen. He called himself the emperor, said the first woman to stand would be his empress. After a woman stood up, he ripped all of her handicaps off and her face mask, showing a beautiful young woman behind the mask.” It’s reported that after he chose his mate, he ripped the handicaps off the band and told them to “play their best”. The band played, the couple danced. It was considered to be a beautiful sight to behold. But then, the night ended with a bullet in the new Emperor and Empress.

Handicapper General Diana Moon Glampers shot the Emperor and Empress. Then gave the band 10 seconds to put back on their handicaps. Shortly after threatening them the telecast cut off leaving viewers to worry and wonder what’s to happen next.

Timeline – Communication

Through the course of History, there was many inventions deemed “great” and “life changing.” Like the typewriter that was released in 1868. This was the fist invention that allowed consumers to write letters, stories, lists without needing any penmanship. Christopher Latham Sholes created the typewriter after his friend showed him a magazine called Prerotype. In 1940, Major General Gladeon Barnes financed the creation of the 30 ton ENIAC. It’s primarily purpose was to store data on computer cards where they can be sorted and analyzed. As time went on other versions like the BINAC and UNIVAC were launched. It wasn’t until 1977 the TRS-80 launched. Before release date, you went to the arcade to play games, or learned through another person. But now the TRS-80 allowed consumers to do things they love without having to leave their homes. Throughout the course of history new inventions have been released to change how we live our day to day lives. Communication has grown to the point where we don’t have to leave our house to talk to our friend. With a click of a button you can be in touch with anybody you need to get a hold of.

http://<a href=”https://www.preceden.com/timelines/641453-timeline-about-keyboards”>Timeline about Keyboards on Preceden Timeline Maker</a>


Writing types

a) In your own words, what are the four writing types?

Expository – its main writing purpose is to explain. Author gives a subject and they would talk about facts and figures about the subject. They don’t put their personal opinion about the topic. Examples are history books. Where the author of the book talks about history and they give information to the reader and explain what the information is about.

Persuasive – its main purpose is to convince. The author gives a subject and they would talk about it but they would also put their personal opinions about the subject. And they would also try to convince the reader to agree on their opinions about the topic. Sometimes that would lead into arguments and debates on which side is more better. Examples are review (in restaurants). Some would like the food and some would not but to convince for another person to convince on trying the food out or not, they would go into the restaurant reviews and check if its worth it or not.

Narrative – its main purpose is to tell a story. Like story books where the author shows what’s happening in the story by narrating it. But it requires characters and some actions, so the author can explain what’s happening in the story. Or the character in the story could also narrate what’s happening in the story but in their view point.

Descriptive – its main purpose is to describe. Its like narrative but the story is being describe in great detail. It also points out the five sense (smell, hear, feel, taste, and sees). It is often poetic.


b) After reading the comic, “Represent,” by Christian Cooper, which writing type would this be categorized under?

It would be narrative and expository because the author of the comic book is telling us a story about this African American boy, who sees people through his binoculars. And its a comic that shows the story. And for the expository part, it shows how the people who were seen in the binoculars are real people.


c) What is the comic showing us? 

Its showing awareness that racism still exist in the present day society.



Media Research Project

Andrea Larieta

English 10

19 September 2020

Mr. Barazzuol

Since the release of the smartphone, especially “IPhones”, Apps are in huge demand. With a wide variety ranging from gaming and entertainment to lifestyle and health. Pinterest was one of the first apps of its kind, an app where you can pin and save things you liked for later, post your own post, or share recipes and art with friends. Pinterest main source of income is ad revenue. With solely relying on ads creating Pinterest had its ups and downs. The original name of the app was called “Tote”. Co-founder Ben Silbermann’s girlfriend made a joke about it calling it Pinterest and it stuck around thanksgiving in 2009 Pinterest’s closed beta testing started. Many people could only get the app if they were invited. But once things started working out, in March of 2010, Pinterest launched for their open beta testing. During the open beta testing Ben Silbermann and a few programmers ran the app through a small apartment in California. Ben Silbermann personally spoke to over half of its 10,000 users, to get personal feedback of the app. After a year, they were able to release the app officially on iOS in March of 2011. Over the next year, Pinterest would blow up, making it the fastest growing website by member growth. With 38% of users in the 18-29 age group, while over 70% of all users are female. Pinterest has made it worthwhile to a lot of people, it’s a good website to promote your self made business, and even ads aren’t seen as ads, they look like normal pins you can save. Thankfully, throughout the years Pinterest has continued to grow, and share with millions all over the world. Giving easy access to everyone who wants to share their interests. So even if it was a rough start for Silbermann, he never gave up. In his starting up advice, he states, “Don’t take too much advice….Most people generalize whatever they did, and say that was the strategy that made it work…In reality, there’s very little way of knowing how various factors contributed to success or failure.” (Ben Silbermann)


Pinterest testing out new look with beta testers



Pinterest Startup Story

10 Amazing Facts About Pinterest Marketing That Will Surprise You


PoCo Archives

A tv series designed to help women develop the skills, knowledge, and attitudes. Necessary to choose a lifestyle or career, in or out of the home.


What are the initial reactions of women reading this article?

How would men feel about the article?