This week in math 10 we learned how to Factoring Polynomials. There are several ways to factor polynomials.
Common factors: To make an equation easier to understand, you can find a common factor in the numbers. The example I will be using is: + 12x + 10
all number in this equation have a common factor of 2, so we have to divide all the hole equation. and this is the result: 2( + 6x + 5)
Trinomials: -11 + 28
In order to factor the example above, we need to find 2 numbers that add or subtract to -11 and multiply to 28. To Start, I will create a list of factors for 28: 1,2,4,7,14,28
7+4=11 so -7-4=-11 and that means our simplified equation is:
Binomials: – 25