DID Treatment Infographic


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Elder Hazel’s Art Gallery – Article

Riverside Secondary; EFP 11 Students Encapsulate Oral Stories Into Comics; Shocking Fellow Classmates With Hidden Skills By: Megan Antosh ; October 29th 2024 Riverside students are assigned to create comic pages based off of indigenous stories found online, the differences in interpretations span indefinitely while walking through and observing the pieces of art. The gallery,…

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Is there a parallel universe?

Is there a parallel universe? -space wonder project-       Have you ever wondered what it would be like if you chased all your goals without fear… how different of a person you could have been if you hadn’t talked to that one kid at lunch in elementary school or even if you hadn’t…

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Into the woods

Into the woods In this assignment, my teacher asked each student from our class to investigate different species in the forest behind our school to identify their characteristics. We were also asked to investigate invasive species living in our forest and research their characteristics as well. Invertebrate variations: Damselfly: This invertebrate is not in fact…

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Analyse d’un célèbre photographe portraitiste

Dans les coulisses de la documentation  Faire une série sur le processus d’obtention de votre coup final (c’est-à-dire montrer les tentatives « échouées / premières », parler des ajustements qui ont été faits, puis montrer le résultat final)   Minimum de 3 photos avec 1-2 phrases sur ce qui se passe en termes de préparation / équipement, etc….

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Climate in Canada – Heartlands (Ontario & Quebec)

(Reference nature photo to my drawing is above) My Drawing about the spheres and Carbon in the Heartlands (Ontario & Quebec) -> Considering Natural Resources, Food production, Industry, Biodiversity, Human Health, Water and Transportation, seek out causes and effects of climate change on that area.  Include a paragraph on your good copy that mentions both…

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Minecraft Meiosis Project – Megan & Abby

-MINECRAFT MEIOSIS BUILD- For this project, my partner and I (Abby) was asked to create a Minecraft build that demonstrates how Meiosis works. We decided to build the examples flat on the ground with certain blocks that represented certain things. We mention all of this in the video below:

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Science 9- Core competencies Self-Assessment

Core competencies Self-Assessment         In this Core competency assignment, I will be speaking about my assignment on “Currents from the kitchen”. This assignment helped students in science 9 to understand how electrical currents functioned and how even fruit can power a light bulb and have energy. This project helped us to communicate…

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Currents from the Kitchen

Currents from the Kitchen This lab helps students learn how a circuit works from using fruits and vegetables, copper and zinc with wires to create one. We must connect all of the given objects to together using the wires and metals to create this circuit using a voltmeter to measure the volts. We also use…

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