Here is my artifact:
Many people thirst for power—politically, socially, and economically. There are many different sorts of power, and a less-discussed form of power is power in relationships. How can power affect relationships?
Link to my mind map for the characterization of the protagonist so far in my lit circles book, Fight Club: This assignment was easier than expected—until I had to
Two things I am proud of in this essay would be my transitions and evidence. I think I showed effective evidence to back up my claims in this essay, which
A deep history As deep as ancient rivers Strong and powerful
My personality type is the Architect. Three words to describe myself would be rational, open-minded, and introverted. When you have a strong personal awareness of yourself and others, you understand
Practice Makes Perfect by Kylee Holms I’m afraid Afraid that That could be me And those bruises Could be on my body And that trauma Could be mine And that
A Spiral of Society The world is a scary place. The people with the loudest voices in society are often only self-interested, their closed-minded ways harming all of us.