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Science app review

screenshot_2016-10-19-22-42-37My problem is that I know exactly how to do every question correctly when using  a periodic table, I just can’t find elements on the periodic table quick enough, wasting valuable time.

Possible solutions to this problem is memorizing the entire periodic table including charges and weight, finding something that can find the elements quicker then I can.

The app I found is called Periodic Table by JQ Soft

My review for the app

4.5/5- This app was very quick, simple and easy to use. it had a number of features that I wanted to see in a periodic table app. But it had ads, and some parts of the app that you had to buy.

This app features 118 elements, atomic, nuclear properties and reactivity for each element. and, a Bohr diagram with moving electrons.

Pros: Separated into categories, periods and groups. nice format. Has a search box where you can search the element symbol, or atomic number

Cons: Has ads, no search box for atomic mass, or protons, neutrons, and electrons. and, it is only on the Google Play store.screenshot_2016-10-19-22-42-18


I think I could have come up with a couple more possible solutions to the problem, but other then that, it worked out pretty well.



How does the app help users build skills or learn content?

It can help you do work faster so that you can learn more, and be less stressed about homework

How intuitive is the app? Is it self-explanatory or does it take a long time to figure out?

it was really self explanatory, because you just tap on an element and it will come up with lots of info about it

What innovative elements does the app utilize?

It has a search engine, which is super helpful for when you need to find your elements quickly