Desmos Art Functions Card 2022


Reflection: When making my design, I knew what equations to use based off of what shape I was looking for, and I could change them if a different function was a better fit. I had a challenge finding an image that was reasonable to work with given the time. I also had a struggle shading a part of the body because another shade wouldnt let me overlap it due to the opacity, but I realized it wasn’t worth the time trying to fight it. I didn’t have any extreme moments of joy in this project, no aha-moments. I did not get any help for this project, I worked entirely on my own and created everything from start to finish. A strategy I used was recalling previous projects and remembering what shapes work well for certain images, as well as knowing how to shade. I didn’t need to make a custom colour because I know how to mix colours, so for example I just put a bit of black over the red to shade the body. I was able to squeeze a sin function in, which is new to all of us this year. I also was able to use transformations for certain repeating shapes instead of making more functions, as I would have in previous years. All in all, I know the image is silly, and it certaintly wouldnt’ve been my first choice, but it was quite easy to shade.