Red Dress Day Reflection

For Red Dress Day, I designed this pin. Red Dress Day is an annual day of mourning for the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Children. Schools and communites are urged to participate in different ways, the most common symbol being red dresses hung from trees. These dresses and shadows represent the women who otherwise should have been alive still. This day of mourning is part of what we must do in order for true Truth and Reconciliation, having a day of awareness educates non-Indigenous communites. For this years Red Dress Day, May 5th, 2023, I was away for the drum circle, although I was able to make pins beforehand and wear it for the time that I was at school. It is significant that all nationalities to show up for this day, as it is important for the world to unite and lift up the voices of minorities and struggling groups, and advocate for the safety of all.


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