Desmos Art Functions Card 2021

This is my Functions Card project! The picture on the bottom is a picture that I traced and shaded using functions! This is based off the picture on the above, if it isn’t obvious. I think that it was really interesting to watch it all come together, even though it was quite time consuming. I found out which equations to use by thinking about which type of shape I needed and how to best fit it in. Then, by doing the math, or some guessing and checking for some more minor details, I had equations to best fit my reference photo. A challenge I had was time and motivation. This project was taxing, I will say that. When I needed help, I asked my friends and teacher for help. They were all a huge help and my time was a lot easier thanks to them. A strategy I used was when I had two shapes that were similar, I’d copy and paste the formula and just make minor alterations. This assignment helped me further understand functions and graphing and what happens when you use certain formulas. It also helped me learn to shade better because there was lots of that to do. Overall, I am very proud of my work and I like how it turned out.

Core Competency Reflection