“Who is that?”

Disclaimer: I wanted to change the prompt a little bit for it to be a general third-person view rather than someone who intimidates me.


“Who is that?” 

Kenya Anand                                                                                                                                                                                   2/2/20 


“Who is that?” I know her. Doesn’t everyone know her? People know her, but they don’t know her if that makes sense. She has a loud personality, but even one word can silence her. Some days she can do anything though some days her whole mood would change if she didn’t like the way her hair was acting. She tries her best, but can one be truly good at everything? Anyways, she is different. She knows it too. Though who can truly not be different? Who defines what is normal? It still hurts sometimes, but she’s strong. Her personality changes like the weather. Speaking of which, she loves sunny days. She loves the warm feeling of sunlight touching her skin. Image result for sunny weather\She dislikes the winter. The cold gives her a feeling of loneliness. I think it’s weird because most other people love the winter because of the snow, though she walks in the cold wishing she was somewhere warmer. Though, different opinions are what make people different and make the world more interesting. She is truly accepting and believes that diversity is the key to society. She is quite bright and has loads of potential in which she has yet to discover. As I said, she is quite bright, well, she is more book smart. If she puts in enough effort, she can get amazing grades. School is something she excels at. Though, she isn’t exactly the smartest in certain situations outside of school. She makes decisions that nobody would expect. Nothing bad, of course, maybe just a bit different. For example, I’ve seen her with the friends playing ping-pong on the floor and bouncing off the walls. She knows how to have a good time, but at the same time, she can be quite antisocial. Perhaps that is the wrong word, maybe just awkward. There are days where she could party all night if she could, but on the other hand, there are many nights where she would strongly prefer isolation in her own space. Image result for lonelinessLoneliness can be a blessing or a curse in certain situations. She has contradictory feelings about it, as she does most things. Now, on to physical descriptions. If she loves anything, it is making bold changes to herself. One of these things is dyeing her hair, she thinks of it as a form of self-expression. She’s dyed her hair multiple times with colours such as blue, red, purple and pink. She has hazel eyes which is one of the few things she really likes about herself. Another thing she really likes is to wear comfortable clothing, specifically hoodies. Hoodies are warm and give her a sense of protection which makes her feel a lot better in any situation and that means a lot to her. On the topic of things that mean a lot to her, she also must finish her English assignment that is due tomorrow so I’m afraid I’m going to have to wrap this up. Also, by the way, I am her, she is me, and I am Kenya.   


Image credits:

First Image: https://www.irishnews.com/magazine/daily/2017/04/08/news/enjoy-it-while-you-can-because-forecasters-say-the-warm-and-sunny-weather-isn-t-going-to-last-991628/

Second Image: https://www.universityaffairs.ca/features/feature-article/loneliness-the-silent-killer/






4 thoughts on ““Who is that?”

  1. Really good job done Kenya! It was really interesting to read about you describe yourself from a different perspective. The way you described yourself was interesting and I enjoyed reading it.

  2. Wow! This an amazing writing piece Kenya! You really expressed and dove deep into who you are through your writing. Keep up the great work!

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