TOKTWD Reflection:

Name of your host: Sonja Anand

Relationship to you: Mother

Job Title: (there are two but I’m choosing to only write about one) Legal Transcriptionist.

Job Description: Typing of legal audio files.

Duties/tasks performed at job: Typing of legal audio files.

Training: On the job training.

Education: Not relevant/specific to job.

Experience: None needed.

Skills/attributes: Attention to detail, grammar, spelling, typing, editing, listening, detail oriented, extreme focus.

Things you like about this job: Flexible hours and work load

Things you dislike about this job: Antisocial and stationary. Not very physical. Also extreme focus is absolutely needed.

How do you anticipate this job changing in the next 5 years or so: Does not expect any change other than working for different suppliers.

Three reasons why I like this job:

  1. I was able to keep up
  2. Very flexible hours/times
  3. Working from home

Three reasons why I dislike this job:

  1. I dislike typing a lot.
  2. Sitting in the same place for hours at a time.
  3. It gets boring if the case isnt interesting.

Is this job for me? Why or why not: No, I don’t think so. Though I am not bad at it, I don’t think this is the job for me because I find it a bit boring after a while. I also don’t like sitting in the same place for that long and even my neck was sore after only 45 minutes of working. Lastly, I’m not the greatest typer though that can be improved.

Explain the value of the TOKTW experience in relation to your ideas about post secondary (after highschool) plans (education?, training?, travel?, work?): It shows that I don’t want to work in an environment where I have to stay in the same place for hours on end. I want to move around a little bit throughout my day and talk to people, even only a little bit. It also shows that I would love a job with flexible hours and days off because I would love to travel when I am older and I will need a somewhat flexible job for that. Though, it didn’t really tell me about what job I may be interested in. Sure, I had some ideas before, but this experience didn’t really change anything for me. It only showed me some of the qualities that I would like


Picture of Workplace: (works at home)

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