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There is no other book like this one in the world. This book is written from a never before seen perspective. Harper Lee uses imagery and metaphors to paint pictures of an old tired town in Alabama, where racism is rampant and injustice is common. This book is set in a revolutionary time in U.S. history, right at the beginning of the civil rights movement. It is written from the perspective of a little white girl named Scout, living in a very old, traditional town. She does not share the same understanding of racism as the rest of the people in town. She was practically raised by her family’s black maid and does not understand that because the maid, Calpurnia, is black, Calpurnia is meant to be treated as lesser than Scout herself. This story is a coming of age story, where, through the eyes of a six-year-old girl, we see systematic racism and the loss of her innocence as she realizes and learned about the town’s people and history.