Learning is holistic, reflective, reflexive, experiential and relational:

Humans naturally gravitate towards people and places they feel comfortable with. Most humans find comfort in knowledge, what makes a person feel belonging is their knowledge of that person or place. They have spent time there, they know how things work, how to act, and how to respond. When people learn comfortably they absorb more information. Humans tend to learn more by experience. If you talk to a person for the first time, you are not yet completely comfortable, most likely you are awkward and cautious. When going to new places, most people would rather go with a friend or someone or something that brings the comfort of familiarity. If a person is comfortable with their environment they will absorb more information. When in sensing danger or unfamiliarity, humans instinctively close up and will not absorb any information but the overwhelming facts. When comfortable, humans will relax and readily except information, and become calm. Experiencing something many times will help people keep information. A new doctor will be slow and very careful while treating a patient but an experienced one will have no hesitation and know what to do by experience. Humans have the ability to see and learns things by experience. Humans can look at two things that look very different but identify both as a chair. From previous experience we can identify the function of the object and classify it. Humans also seem to contain information better if it is given by someone they trust. If a stranger on the street tells you something, you will probably not believe them and forget eventually. If a trusted person however, tells you something, you are likely to remember that information and file it as important. Learning comes in many forms, but the instinct of the human can best absorb information through reflection, reflexive, experiential and relational means.

The work that we have done in class can directly relate to this statement. In class, we repeatedly review, and re-establish was we have been taught, we play review games, and the unit tests help review the subject material. The time taken in this class for us to reflect and review our work and the subjects, is greatly beneficial to our learning. Another way that our class can relate to this principle, is that we learn by experience. We do labs and help others to understand the course material. We learn by experiencing what we have been taught, wether it is by doing labs, or watching videos, or even doing projects that inclulde our daily lives, we get experience using the things we have been taught and use that experience to help us grasp the ideas and learn more efficiently. We also use the relational aspect of this principle in this class. We are taught to see patterns and relate them to an idea. We are taught how to identify things by look, or feel, or even composition. This helps us learn what ideas can match up with which apects of the sciences. This particular principle, can be used in any subject, and has been a present aspect in this class, and has greatly helped the learning process.



Learning requires the exploration of one’s identity:

To learn effectively, you must know how you yourself work. To explore yourself is to find circumstances under which you best function. To learn, you must find your strengths, weaknesses, and how you learn the best. When you can funtion properly and effeciently , you can produce the best results. When you figure out yourself, you figure out what you can do. This can improve the way you think about problems and how you calculate equations. Exploring ones identity helps one better know themselves, the world around them, and the concepts that surrounf them.

This realates to our science class because we must be constantly aware of our surroundings, ourselves, and the concepts of science. We must figure out our strengths and weaknesses and improve upon them to help us learnn the concepts we are taught. We must also be aware of our actions as we do many things that require partners and the conciousness of our actions. This principle helps us understand things better and how they can relate to us and our world.