Written by an IT support – Tech Team member about our progress during the first semester.
What are some things you have learned and/or tasks you have accomplished this semester? (Use videos, pictures, upload materials etc. as evidence of learning in your blog)
For the this semester, I have accomplished the same tasks I previously done years before: managing the WAVE during mornings and spare blocks; and collaborating with my team to post about events and news, and encourage students to see social media as a educational tool.
What aspects of your work are successful? Explain why.
Step 1 was introducing ‘rapidevent’ to the school community; step 2 was keeping it going, which took more creativity and organization than believed. But within the team, we have successfully created different ways of attracting attention to our page (as a school news source) beside just posting news, like: Teacher Throwback (guessing who is in the posted photo); just recently, senior shout-outs and a short Wednesday morning talk show made by the leadership group; they overall, help draw in students’ curiosity and show them more of our school community.
What aspects of your work is challenging? Explain why.
Having no material to post with is a tough issue to get rid of. Our social media team is usually reliant on students and staff to supply the information and sometimes photos we specifically needed.
What steps did you take to overcome these challenges / what adjustments did you need to make?
Therefore, we keep track of events and keeping our schedule open , therefore there would be no pressure for missing certain post deadlines. There are exceptions, but we gave a wider berth of time between each deadline: like Teacher Throwback; posting the activity every 2 weeks, therefore there can be time to contact teachers (usually with busy schedules) and gather photos.
Is there anything you can do improve? (with your approach to the project, or altering the project)
Using other tools and programs for creating posts, because so far, I had been using one application and its starting to become limiting to use. So, it’ll be interesting if I start using more short videos or animations to make the page on social media more engaging to our audience.
As Riverside continues to immerse itself into innovation and technology, what do you think Riverside can do to provide support and help for teachers and students? (Provide specific examples)
I have this idea to make time for different seminars to teach about resources they could use like, classes for streaming videos and youtube etiquette. The idea is the same as the micro-bit classes to introduce computer coding, but I thought expanding this is a good way to inspire students to try something new, potential use in their projects or start a new hobby.
Do you have any feedback or suggestions, as we move forward, that could help the Tech Team meet the needs of our school and staff / be more effective? (Provide specific examples)
So far, nothing comes to mind on what should change or improve. Everyone is doing great.