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In this article, Amazon employment are threatening to walk out of Amazon if they don’t help to reduce the growing problem of climate change. This article interested me because it illustrates how everyday working people are taking a standing against climate change and how they are going about doing that. Amazon employees have pushed Amazon into starting a program called the Shipment Zero program in which Amazon has promised to make 50% of their shipments net zero by 2030. Even with that, Amazon employees have continued to put Amazon to be more environmentally friendlier. They have done this by making a climate change plan for the company, which Amazon’s shareholders voted down. The author Shirin Ghaffary conveys the frustration of the Amazon employees by going very in depth about how and why the employee are upset and what they are doing about it. I made a personal connection to this article because I know what it feels like to be in a situation where, I the employee is upset with the manager and how the company is poorly treating its staff. I believe this article can show how people working for big companies can make a change and help to become more environmentally friendly and be the leaders in the fight against climate change.
Great article and discussion! that company is a monster!