

Vesuvius Case Study:


  1. Use the map on page 105 of your textbook. Explain how Mt Vesuvius would be formed.
  2. What evidence is there from Pliny’s description that can help you determine what type of Volcano Vesuvius is?
  3. What evidence is there that Pliny and his uncle had very little knowledge of volcanoes and their effects?
  4. What information given by Pliny could confirm your answer to #1?
  5. How did Pliny’s uncle die?
  6. Based on Pliny’s description, were the people of Stabiae (“stabby eye”) prepared for a volcanic eruption? Explain.
  7. Why would increased seismic activity be an indicator of a volcanic eruption in this scenario?
  8. What archaeological evidence might explain why the people of Pompeii didn’t worry so much about Vesuvius erupting?
  9. Why did hiding/staying indoors seem like the right course of action to the people of Pompeii?
  10. How were the people of Pompeii “frozen in time”?
  11. What were the long term effects of settlement?
  12. Could the people of Pompeii have been better prepared?

Pompeii: Portents of Disaster

Letters of Pliny the Younger

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