Plate Tectonics


Read pages 86-101, 103-104, 108, 111-112

  1. Explain why the plastic nature of the asthenosphere and convection currents are important to the theory of plate tectonics.
  2. Which type of plate boundary is:
    • Found at mid-ocean ridges?
    • Most often associated with forming mountain belts on continents?
    • Associated with the San Andreas fault?
  3. Is it better to live near a regularly active fault line or an inactive fault line? Explain.
  4. Explain why volcanic activity along transform faults is relatively rare.
  5. Use a plate boundary map to explain why Japan and Indonesia should face more earthquakes than anywhere else in the world. (provide the map you used in your post)
  6. Use a plate boundary map and explain how plate tectonics would affect where you live.
  7. Use a plate boundary map and explain the relationship between the position of volcanoes, fault lines and plate movement.
  8. Using a plate boundary map and the population density map below, which countries are at risk of having many people affected by earthquakes and volcanic activity?popdensity
  9. Use the plate boundary map, trace out the plate boundaries on a sheet of paper. Examine the direction that the plates are moving in and sketch what the world would look like in 40 million years from now. (post your sketch)

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