Automobile travel
My parents usually drive me when I go places. This is terrible for the environment, but since I’m to young to drive its usually carpooling me and my family go together places. So we are always able to use the HOV lane. There is usually 3-4 of us in the car. This has negative effects in the biosphere and the atmosphere, because of pollution from the gas. As well as the oil coming out of car. Also roads are made out of the destruction of trees, and this will disrupt the wildlife that depends on the trees. During the winter break when going downtown my family decided to start taking the skytrain. Taking the skytrain has many benefits, its better for the environment, there is less chance of accident due to the mental state of the driver/distracted driving, it saves land as whatever is under it get be used for something else. Its also less noisy for the people living around the sky train then roads. This is also better because sky trains can hold way more people then cars can. It also cuts down the travel time.
On Saturday I took the skytrain from port moody to coquitlam, (my dance studio) to coquitlam (the mall). It was great because it was only a 2 minute walk from the studio to the sky train and it was a nice day so it was nice to be outside, the skytrain took maybe 7 minutes whereas driving would’ve taken 15.
Printer Ink
Yesterday I printed out many sheets of paper for my math mind term review. Our printer doesn’t print double sided so I used the back instead of printing out one of the packages thats answers weren’t fully worded but just a,b,c so that instead of printing out the package and circling the answers I would just write out the letters. This saved trees from the biosphere and the species that depend on the tree’s habitat as well as ink from the printer. Printing out paper is something I avoid usually I only print sheets out for math as I don’t have a touch screen device which would save paper when it comes to math.
Using plastic bags
Plastic bags are something that we have tried to eliminate as much use as possible around the house we bought a bunch of “ziplock” containers which is basically a reusable set of thin containers that we sue for everything. Plastic bags are very bad for the environment when it goes into the landfill, and into the ocean and animals eat it they can choke and die. Its also a waste of resources because you are just throwing it away after you use it. I suggest either re-using a plastic bag if you have to buy them but if not containers are the way to go because in the long term they are cheeper. I have a smilier set to the one below and its useful because they can fit anything in it.
Being a Vegetarian
I have been a vegetarian for almost a full month now, and one of the reasons for me being a vegetarian is the environment. When we eat we meet we overheat the planet, by using energy to cook it. according to humans eat 230m tonnes of animals a year. You consume to much water if you eat meat be cause you are eating an animal that has drank water to survive. I don’t eat pork but pigs are the thirstiest animals alive and drink the most water out of any animals. Pesticides used in meet ruin the air and cause pollution which is terrible for our environment. When you eat meet you are more likely to get diseases such as salmonella because of the animals antibiotics and there waste. Meat is also very expensive.
Getting your foods organic
We try to buy as much of our food organic as possible, especially fruit though this can become expensive. Non-organic foods contain pesticides which again are bad for the air. Non-organic foods are grown un-naturally, and also contains herbicides, fertilizers. As well as Genetically modified organisms, antibiotics/growth hormones and Irradiation. Though, organic foods can contain natural pesticides as well. They aren’t sure if non-organic foods contain more pesticide residue and if they are less healthy. But the Organic foods must be approved by the Canadian Organics Standard in order to be classified as “Organic.”
Leaving appliances, lights and water on when not in use.
These are things all of us do once it a while and it is very important that we try to be conscious of when we really need the tap running, for example this past week especially I have tried my best to turn off the tap while brushing my teeth, or while you’re taking a bath. Taking shorter showers is a good way to preserve the water as well. Leaving lights on can be a habit when you leave the room but I am always reminded before I leave the house to make sure all of the lights and lamps are off. It’s also important that you don’t leave irons plugged in for more then just the environment because if left on they can cause a fire and if someone is unsure if it is on or not and they touch it they can get burned. Another hating is unplugging your chargers once your phone is at 100% because you don’t need you’re phone charged to more because it doesn’t work that way.
All in all it’s the little things we do that are killing our environment like not recycling that time because the bin was too far, we’ve all done it and if there are 7 billion people on the planet doing that at least once then its not going to take to long for land fills to become way to full. OR the pollution killing out more species braking down the biodiversity and the food chain so that one day we won’t be able to get oxygen from the tree’s or the sun will be to hot. Its important that we take into consideration everything to matter how big or small in order to reduce the amount of waste we have inflicted on our planet so that we can leave it behind better then we go it.