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Grammar Video Project – “Types of Sentences”

For my grammar project I studied 4 different sentence types. They are declarative, imperative, interrogative and exclamatory. Here is the video explaining the different types with examples of how to use them:

Here is our paragraph explaining the definitions of each sentence type, as well as examples:

During this grammar project, we studied four different types of sentences: declarative, imperative, interrogative, and exclamatory. These types of sentences are probably said countless times every day, but do we really know the difference between them? The most basic type of sentence is a declarative sentence. This is a simple statement that gives information or a fact that is said to be true. Declarative sentences can also give an opinion or share how someone is feeling. They always end in a period, and can be both affirmative and negative. An example of a declarative sentence is “he is my brother”. This is a simple sentence that tells a fact. Another example is “I don’t like pink, but I do like purple”. Although this is a longer sentence, it is still a declarative sentence because it shares something that is said to be true. A final example of a declarative sentence is “Mount Everest is 8,848 km tall”. This is another statement that gives information, which is why we all it a declarative sentence.

The next type of sentence is an imperative sentence. Imperative sentences are commands, requests, or suggestions that tell someone to do an action. They do not usually specify the subject, because it is assumed. However, they can sometimes specify “you” as the subject. Imperative sentences start with an action verb, like go, do, put, give, etc. They can be affirmative, like saying “please pass the potatoes” or negative “don’t pass the potatoes”. This type of sentence can also vary in the punctuation. Imperative sentences can end in periods, question marks or exclamation marks. An example of an imperative sentence is “come over here.” This is a command that starts with an action (come), telling someone to do something. Imperative sentences can also be like questions. For example, if a parent asks their kid to do chores, they aren’t really asking for a yes or no answer. If they said, “can you go clean your room,” they probably want you to just go and do it instead of expecting an actual answer. This is still an imperative sentence because it is an order to do something.

Interrogative sentences are another type that we studied during this project. An interrogative sentence is a question that asks for information. It must have a subject and a verb to be a proper sentence, as well as always ending with a question mark. An example could be “how are you doing?” This is an interrogative sentence because it asks a question. It is also an open-ended question since the answer can be different depending on who is asked. Another example is “what is your favorite colour?” This still asks a question, but the answer is limited to certain options; in this case, colours. Interrogative sentences can also just have a yes or no answer. For example, “do you have a dog?” The answer to this question would be one of two options: yes or no.

The last type of sentence that we learned about is an exclamatory sentence. This sentence type expresses some type of emotion, such as anger, excitement, or sadness. There are also exclamatory questions, such as “isn’t this fun!” or “well, what do you know!” These end in exclamation marks, but are spoken like a question. Exclamatory sentences can also be rhetorical questions of surprise, such as “What?!” This ends with both a question mark and an exclamation point, but still shows strong emotion.


Test Questions:

  1. Name this type of sentence: Can you go do the dishes?
    1. Declarative
    2. Imperative
    3. Interrogative
    4. Exclamatory
  1. Which 2 types of sentences can end in a period?
    1. Declarative and interrogative
    2. Interrogative and imperative
    3. Imperative and declarative
    4. Exclamatory and declarative
  1. Name this type of sentence: I don’t like airplanes.
    1. Declarative
    2. Interrogative
    3. Imperative
    4. Exclamatory
  1. Name this type of sentence: Wow, look at that!
    1. Declarative
    2. Interrogative
    3. Imperative
    4. Exclamatory
  1. Which three types of sentences can have a question mark at the end?
    1. Interrogative, Imperative, and Exclamatory
    2. Exclamatory, Imperative, and Declarative
    3. Declarative, Exclamatory, and Interrogative
    4. Only Interrogative, there isn’t three

Answer Key:

1 – B because it isn’t asking for a real answer, it’s giving a command.

2 – C declarative always does, and imperative usually does.

3 – A because it is information (that you are declaring).

4 – D because you are exclaiming to show how you feel

5 – A interrogative does because it’s a question, imperative and exclamatory can have rhetorical questions that don’t require real answers