South African Storm and Gandalf.

The Infinitesimal 

Some believe you need to be in a position of power to enact change, however, in most cases, it turns out to be the total opposite. Your actions speak volume and will continue to remain more powerful than you will ever be. So the question remains, do we have to appeal to the powers that be to enact change or can change be started from the bottom of the pyramid?. Gandalf’s quote reinforces Allison’s thesis on how change can be made by the small everyday deeds by everyday people. Howard mentions how walking through the rain is her infinitesimal deed to catapult the wheel of change, and this, in turn, goes hand in hand with what Gandalf is saying. To answer my question, yes change can begin from the grassroots of society. For instance, during the Vietnam war, there were a small group of people boycotting the war In the begging. As it grew costlier and deadlier more people were becoming aware, choosing the course of change and taking action. Another issue where our small contributions make a difference is the environment. Over the course of the past decade, people have become more aware of the devastating effects of climate change. Environmental awareness has spread throughout the world with simple infinitesimal changes that contribute to saving the planet. Overall, the entirety of the world’s social, environmental, and political movements not only prove Howard’s and Gandalf’s thesis but also strengthens it and proves it to be universal.


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