
What is overpopulation? Surely, we now know what overpopulation means.Overpopulation is the condition of being populated with excessively large numbers, more numbers than our resources can sustain. The article I read provided very insightful information as to why we should worry about overpopulation, but above all what frightened me the most was the fact that If our population does not stop growing , we are at risk of famine , war , and poverty. According to the Malthusian theory of population , it states that human populations grow exponentially while food productions grow at an arithmetic rate. This scenario of arithmetic food growth with simultaneous geometric human population growth predicted a future when humans would have no resources to survive on.  To avoid such a catastrophe, Malthus urged controls on population growth. The article addresses issues such as carrying capacity and food security around the world. What got me hooked to this article was its message on quality of life versus quantity of life. The writer specifically urges us to change our ways or to suffer the consequences of our irresponsible choices along with the fact that the planet’s carrying capacity will soon reach its maximum at our rate of waste and consumption. Reading this article reminded me of Malthus’s book An essay on the principle of population , because  both literary pieces carry the same message regarding population sustainability. Reading this marvelous piece has got me to think on how I , personally can change my ways to improve our planet.

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