Organizer about jone A McDonald

  1. Define and state the significance of each of the following (Horizons – Chapter 4 – pages 156-160):
Term Definition/Background Significance
Rupert’s Land Is owned by the land owners and they treat them work for hours  
Louis Riel They tried to make sure Canada rails got bilt  
Land surveyors There was something going to make Canada a better place  
Canada Party (page 155) And the through a party and that how Canada day happend  
Fort Garry They has a lot of work and McDonald didn’t stop until he won  
William McDougall So McDonald didn’t make no mistake and made sure his say went through


John Schultz    
Thomas Scott    
John A MacDonald    


  1. Sketch a caricature of the following historical figures from the Red River Rebellion and depict them as either good or bad based on their actions. Briefly explain the reasons why you would depict them this way:
Louis Riel

Part 4::

  1. Based on your findings in #1 above, would the Metis be satisfied with the Manitoba Act? Explain why or why not (think about quality and quantity of rights given):


  1. What is scrip? How was the process of attaining scrip made difficult? (Horizons – Chapter 5 – pages 167-168 and Collections Canada)


  1. What were the Laws of St Laurent? What happened to these laws and how was Lawrence Clarke involved? (Horizons – Chapter 5 – pages 169-172)




Part 5:

  1. Explain why whiskey was a growing problem for First Nations people in the Plains. (


  1. What are the reasons for the creation of the Northwest Mounted Police? (Horizons – Chapter 5 – pages 174-175)


  1. Sketch 3 different book covers for the Whiskey Peddler based on 3 different perspectives: Aboriginals, Americans, Canadians:
  2. Provide sketches here



Part 6:

  1. What are the reasons for the Aboriginals and Canada to enter into treaty negotiations?
Aboriginal Reasons Canada’s Reasons
They thought Canada was peaceful but I guess not Canada did not want anything but Canadians here


  1. What did the Aboriginals receive in Treaties 1-7 in exchange for giving up their rights to the land?
The got alcohol and just gave stuff away


  1. Make a questionnaire/poll with 3 questions about fairness that are analogies of the Aboriginal’s situation and the treaty agreements. You should not mention treaties or Aboriginals at all.

Provide your questions and explain the analogy’s connection to the Aboriginal situation with treaties:

Questions: Explain the Analogy:




Part 7:

  1. View the political cartoons in the image gallery and complete the following:
Title Describe Document Interpret




Part 8:

  1. Why did MacDonald develop the National Policy? (Horizons – Chapter 5 – pg 197)
He trys to get more funds to hold an election he gets help from sir Hugh Allan and he is rich so Macdonald gets 360.000so he wins


  1. Define each of the three parts of the National policy. For each case, state why MacDonald thought it would benefit Canada:
  Definition & how to get it done Benefits
Impose High Tariffs They made sure that the high tariffs on the ground  
Settle the West They tried to settal but it didn’t happen  
Build a Transcontinental Railway They were trying to build a rail way but they were in debt so they connected to Canada PEI is now apart of Canada




  1. What problems did the construction of the CPR encounter? How were these problems solved? (Route change? William Van Horne? Budget 1883?) (Horizons – Chapter 5 – 198-201)