make baby

My baby’s name is none. He has round face and round prominent with light tan skin ,very dark fine eyebrows, brown medium eyes. He has small thin mouth with dimples on the sides and medium rounded nose.

a. The probability that we choose the allele is the same 50% because there are only dominate and recessive like coins only have 2 sides , each side is 50%

b.It used the same probability way to simulate the baby’s real genetic synthesis. It let us choose the father’s allele and mother’s allele to make baby’s allele. This is the right way about genetic synthesis .

c.I don’t have any prejudices about my traits, but I know somebody could have these in our real life.

I think the biggest reason is how they looks like. If people aren’t satisfied about their traits , it’s easy to get some prejudices.

But all these traits are equal,there is no good or bad.