Climate solutions

This is happening in Zambia, and this picture shows a Zambian boy studying with a solar lamp at night, most of the local people cannot afford to buy electric lights, but it’s in the tropics, there’s lots of sunlight, the place is full of lots of solar energy, the use of solar energy is now widespread in Zambia.

This photo shows the Hydrogen cell car, which used hydrogen to replace the traditional fossil fuel. Hydrogen is a clean fuel, and its combustion does not produce greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide. It also provides a great capacity to reduce the use of non-renewable energy sources such as fossil fuels, which is conducive to energy conservation.Now more and more hydrogen cars appear and have a large market. I believe hydrogen cars will become the mainstream of the market in the future.

May 30, weather observation


The room temperature is 25 degree Celsius, outside is 22 degrees Celsius. The wind was from the south-north25 to 29 knots. The pressure is rising. AltoStratus with low clouds which were Stratus Fractus, the visibility was

1 tenth or less but with a presence of cloud. In the preceding hour of the observation, lightning was the weather.



Tomorrow will be a sunny day with less cloud,  the temperature will rise, the temperature difference between day and night will increase, the rainfall rate will drop to between zero and three percent, and the wind speed will increase. Because warm front goes east of the Pacific Ocean, not be close to or through Vancouver, so there is not enough water vapor for cloud formation, and tomorrow will be sunny, with less cloud reflection, most of the short-wave radiation from the sun will reach the earth’s surface and heat it up, and long-wave radiation reflected from the earth’s surface loses much of its absorption from clouds and bounces back into space, and the temperature will drop a lot at night, so the temperature difference between day and night will increase.



Climate zone graph

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Overall, rainfall and temperature showed a steady upward trend from 1901 to 2016. So in terms of rainfall and temperature increases, global warming does exist and is affecting the weather and climate. To separate, the precipitation is rising gradually in Britain, the temperature is stably rising. In Sudan have a high temperature with high precipitation relatively, in Russia, the temperature is lower than 0 celsius. The precipitation trend is rising. So global warming will have a small impact in this three countries.Because of the rapid development of industrialization since the 20th century, a large number of factories were opened, and the amount of carbon dioxide put into the air continued to increase. The increase of carbon dioxide produced the greenhouse effect, which increased the effect of absorbing long-wave radiation in the atmosphere, thus retaining the heat that should be reflected to the universe.

The effects of climate change are different depending on the region and climate, but they do exist. For example, in the UK, the effects are very small and basically unchanged. But in Sudan and Russia it was more pronounced than in Britain, with higher rainfall and temperature variations.

May 29, weather observation


The room temperature is 25 degrees Celsius, dew point of 21 degrees Celsius. The wind was from the north-east 20 to 24 knots. The pressure have no change. NimboStratus with low clouds which were Stratus Fractus, the visibility was oktas or more but not 8. In the preceding hour of the observation, haze was the weather.


The weather tomorrow will be similar as today. It will still be cloudy, but not as much as today. The temperature will increase slightly, so the temperature difference will be slightly larger. The probability of rain will remain below 10 percent. Because the warm front is closer to Vancouver, but it is not directly passing through Vancouver like a few days ago, and the pressure and temperature in Vancouver are low, which will form clouds.However, the clouds can reflect short-wave radiation and absorb long-wave radiation, and the surface does not absorb much short-wave radiation, so the maximum temperature of the day will not be very high, and the long-wave radiation reflected by the surface will be absorbed by the clouds to achieve insulation effect.

May 28, weather observation


An air temperature of 25 degrees Celsius, dew point of 20 degrees Celsius. The wind was from the west to east between 10 and 14 knots. Mist withStratus Fractus, the visibility was7 oktas or more but not 8. Haze was the weather.


Tomorrow will be similar as today, with cloudy skies, and less wind, high temperature of 22 degrees, lows of 12 degrees, and rainfall of 10 percent. Because the warm front goes north, the warm air will turn into clouds when it is cold. When the clouds are thick, the temperature difference between morning and evening will be reduced. Because the clouds have the effect of blocking short-wave radiation, the ground temperature is not too high, while the clouds have the effect of absorbing long-wave radiation, so they can have the effect of insulation.

How sustainable is BC’s Forestry Industry?

Silviculture refers to the branch of forestry dealing with the development and care of forests. The silviculture system of BC province can be roughly divided into three kinds: clearcutting, partial cutting, and clearcutting with reserves. The names of these three methods show the cutting situation of the entire timber production process. And in the  three kinds, clearcutting is the most common silvicultural system in BC province in the last 15 years. There’s data showing: “Until the mid-1990s, most harvesting on public lands in British Columbia involved clearcutting, From 1970 to 1998, clearcutting systems were applied on 87% of the area harvested on public land, and various partial cutting systems on 13%.” In addition, clearcutting refers to the main cutting method of cutting all or almost all mature trees within a short period of time (generally no more than 1 year), and then using artificial or natural regeneration to form same-age forests. For example, the area of Crown land reforested is almost as same as the area harvested two to five years earlier. The supply of wood would be all right if it were not for a sudden and large increase in production. And in the clearcutting system, the area after cutting trees each year grows almost as many new trees for recycling purposes. The application of large-scale clearcutting system will provide plenty of sunshine and water temperature conditions for large quantities of trees, so that trees can be cultivated in the same high-quality environment, which is conducive to the mass production of high-quality wood and the economic benefits of BC province. However, this damage to the soil to a certain extent, easy to cause soil erosion, soil fertility weakening. It can cause dramatic changes in local wildlife, and it can also have an impact on the landscape. Although clearcutting improves the recycling of trees and timber for sustainable development, it has an impact on the environment and biology. But another way, select logging is a kind of different from clearcutting the practice of cutting down one or two species of trees while brigade the rest intact. This method is to regularly select one or a group of excellent trees in a certain area to be cut down as wood, and keep other trees, and transplant new trees after cutting, to ensure the circulation and sustainability of trees in the area. This approach fills in clearcutting’s shortcoming. It can provide good landscapes, and there is no soil erosion caused by continuous forest cover for a long time. A good forest system is good for wildlife habitat. But it also increases the difficulty and cost of cutting. Each cutting will bring the risk of other trees being destroyed, which is not as convenient and simple as clearcutting’s large-scale operation. In BC province, silvicultural system has made great contributions to the sustainable development of forestry, such as clearcutting and select logging mentioned above. Both of them are applied in different areas at the same time, which can not only make trees develop sustainablely, but also provide more trees for us to apply sustainablely, and give consideration to economic benefits, wildlife and ecosystem. Until now, BC province has been well supplied with timber, and the forest and environment have not been destroyed to a large extent. The sustainable development of BC forestry can also be supported by a reserve of trees and sites that can be used continuously.

Geography task

  • News that gave me positive effect: “Air pollution is present both inside homes and outside and is responsible for the premature death of seven million people each year, including 600,000 children, according to the Special Rapporteur’s report.” (
  • effect: This report made me understand the seriousness of environmental problems and let me know that environmental pollution will harm our own health every moment. Over time, it makes me care about the environment and want to protect it, which I think is a positive effect on my ethic of care around the environment. 
  • News that gave me negative effect: “Across Minawao camp, the inhabitants are able to find shade and a respite from the midday sun under small trees planted just two years ago. Smaller saplings are protected by netting or the thorny branches of the acacia tree. ‘The people who live here and in the surrounding villages have seen the difference the trees can make to everyday life,’ said Mr. Pemha, ‘so they respect them and allow them to grow.’”(
  • Effect: This news shows that people in Minawao love planting trees and improve the environment in this way, which makes me feel that environmental problems are gradually improved. There are still a lot of people attach importance to the environment, but it also makes me get away with it: since so many people are concerned about this problem, they can improve the problem without my contribution, which is not fit on the ethic of care about the environment.