What it means to be human

Humans want to feel included

Humans persist in difficult situations

Humans need friends and family

Humans need hopes and dreams

Humans need to communicate

Humans need to understand others

Humans adapt to different environments (good and bad)

Humans seek new knowledge

Humans are greedy

Humans sometime strive to be a better society

Humans can cause conflict for power, race, nationalism

Humans can be racist and/or prejudice

The Book Animal Farm by George Orwell on top of having strong metaphors to the Russian Revolution, shows the greed that humans (pigs in this occasion) show in full. Despite having over-thrown their tyrannical overlords when the pigs took over (resembling a socialist society) the smartest animals felt better than the others and in the end they became the overlords they so hated. It shows how the socialist economy becomes fundamentally flawed once you put someone on top, in charge of the operation. Because eventually they feel like they are better than everyone else due to their reigning brilliance and they think less of their friends and fellow people (pigs) and eventually they treat them like dogs. Animal farm really shows using parallels that human greed and lust for power will always rise past the feeling of equality that we so want. They will think to themselves that the only people who want equality are the ones at the bottom. So not only showing parallels to the Russian Revolution but the white-dominated America not too long ago and South Africa pre-Mandela.