English Review

What I have learned in this workshop is how Shakespeare  spoke and wrote his plays and a little about his life.  A thing that I liked about this workshop was that they engaged you into the life and writing style of Shakespeare and present our own takes of the play.

Group Project

https://sd43bcca-my.sharepoint.com/personal/132-tmajerkiewicz_sd43_bc_ca/_layouts/15/guestaccess.aspx?guestaccesstoken=1SgOltPIDDV6FzSyyy4DJUz2zseBYH44pCSLryM%2b0zU%3d&docid=06f3cd8b8ee8f4622b1f4792b69b163d0&rev=1 This link above will lead you to our group project what I did was the conclusion, Title and the theme.

Biome Project

This project was a pretty easy one for my part but I don’t know how my group members felt about this project what I think I did good to contribute to this is the help I gave them when making this project if they had any problems I could help them with it. Another thing…

Information Fluency

Is there an “about us” on the page Are there multiple points of view represented Has the website been updated recently Does the information on the website seem logical credit given to the people who took the pictures http://web.a.ebscohost.com/ehost/detail/detail?vid=6&sid=7ad5805c-0047-4d17-9c87-accee89517a7%40sessionmgr4010&hid=4212&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3d#AN=119486500&db=aph Steps To Get Onto The Website Above Copy and paste this into the URL bar Use…

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