Category Archives: Shape of the Day 11

Shape of the Day 11- February 18, 2022

Today we will begin with silent reading.  We will go over the summary for Totem.  Be sure to hand in your analysis for the story on teams.

Discuss and go over short story summary-let’s add these terms to aid our understanding of the story

  • Short Story Summary for “A Private Experience”
  • Contemporary African Diaspora
  • Flash forward as a plot device
  • In Media Res-are there any other stories we have read that use this technique?

A Private Experience

Shape of the Day 11- February 14, 2022

Happy Valentine’s Day.  We will begin with silent reading.  Please hand in your quick write from Friday if you haven’t.

We will be reading the Lottery and watching the video.

Short story summary for “The Lottery”

The Lottery

Shape of the Day 11- February 11, 2022

Today we will start with silent reading.  We will go over our analysis in partners and then we will discuss as class.  After we will do our free write.

Think – Pair – Share: What is survival in “The Ones who Walk Away from Omelas”?

Essential Question: How does your concept of survival affect your identity? What does it tell you about yourself?  This will be handed in today on teams.

Shape of the Day 11- February 7, 2022

Today we will begin with reading The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas.

The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas


Think – Pair – Share: What is survival in “The Ones who Walk Away from Omelas”?

Essential Question: How does your concept of survival affect your identity? What does it tell you about yourself?

When we encounter these words in the story, highlight  and define:

  • utopian
  • uncouth
  • imperious
  • magnanimous
  • arcane
  • languor
  • dulcet