Week 14 – Math 10


This week, I have learned how to solve systems of linear equations by substitution and elimination. Solving systems of linear equations by substitution and elimination is when you’re given two equations and you’re trying to solve for the x and y coordinate.


Step 1: Choose the simpler equation and express one variable in terms of the other.
Step 2: Substitute the expression from step 1 into the other equation.
Step 3: Solve the single variable equation.
Step 4: Substitute the solution from step 3 into the equation in step 1 to find the value of the other variable.



Step 1: If necessary, multiply each equation by a constant to obtain coefficients for x (or y) that are identical (except perhaps for the sign).
Step 2: Add or subtract the two equations to eliminate one of the variables.
Step 3: Solve the resulting equation to determine the value of one of the variables.
Step 4: Substitute the solution into either of the original equations to determine the value of the other variable.