Collaboration Fluency


Our task is to charge different material of rods with some fabric and find out the strongest pair of conductor.

Control variable: stand
dependent variable: piff
independent variable: different materials of rods and different materials of fabric

Conductors Glass Copper Straw Plastic Spoon Wood Lucite Aluminide Ebonite
Silk No effect No effect Lightly attracts Slightly repels No effect Slightly attracts No effect Slightly Repels
Cotton No effect No effect Attracts Slightly attracts No effect Strongly attracts No effect Slightly attracts
Polyester No effect No effect No reaction No reaction No effect No effect No effect Attracts
Fur Slightly attracts No effect Strongly repels Strongly repels No effect Strongly Repels No effect Slightly repels
Plastic No effect No effect Slightly Repels No reaction No effect Very slightly attracts No effect Strongly Attracts
Wool Slightly attracts No effect Slightly attracts Strongly attracts No effect Somewhat   attracts No effect Slightly repels

Ebonite and plastic is the strongest conductor at attracting.
Lucite and fur is the strongest conductor at repelling.

How did it happen?
The piff get attracted from the charged rod because the piff got some electrons from the rod and both of them have negative charge.
The rod pushed and repelled the piff because they’ve got different charges.

I think I had very great experience when I was collaborating with Ulrick, Vincenzo and Kevin. We had equal workload and everyone was on task, no one was playing with their hone during the experiment. Ulrick and Vincenzo collected the result and made a clear table. Kevin and I did the experiment with different materials. I felt so proud of our work and results.




One comment

  1. Mr. Robinson · March 16, 2018 at 8:56 pm ·

    You have included some great information in your data section. I appreciate the table of results but you could have embedded a picture that shows what you did. Great work examining the collaboration. Awesome job