consumable waste project

Think about the foods you usually eat:

  • How many of these foods come in different types of packaging?

most of them come In cardboard or some kind of different packaging.

  • What kind of packaging materials are usually used (styrofoam, cardboard, plastic, bags, boxes, etc.)?

most of the packages come in plastic bags or cardboard boxes

  • Why do you think that all of these materials were chosen specifically for the products purchased?

because it would be a disaster if somethings were in packaging that was wrong like if you had milk in a cardboard box.

  • How is packaging both positive and negative for the consumer (the person using it)?

it is helpful because it helps the person carry and transport it but it leaves waste

  • What happens to these packaging materials once we have eaten the food inside?

with most packages, we throw it in the garbage but we sometimes recycle or put it in the compost

  • Where is the packaging waste after one day? One year? One hundred years?

probably one day it will still be in the garbage can in a year probably in a dump and in 100 years it will probably be in the ground

  • What happens to food waste?

it goes in the compost and it will be decomposed by worms bacteria fungi and many more

  • Provide 3-4 suggestions for ways that consumers can decrease the amount of waste we create.

we can reuse products like when you go to a fast-food restaurant you are expected to bring your own straws cups and containers for your takeout.

you can also make products with biodegradable packaging.

taking broken or used dishes and making them into new ones.


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