Tag: silverliningc

Silver Linings Reflection

When something like this happens, we tend to focus on the negative aspects. Although it’s important to shed light on the problems that we could help to fix, it might be almost equally valuable to help ourselves and our well beings by acknowledging what positive things sitting around in our homes have made happen. There are definitely aspects in our lives that have changed for the better both personally, and throughout the world.

Just having the time and the boredom to do anything had been helpful for me personally in a few ways. One thing I’ve been doing more often has been reading. I’ve never been a book person, and it has partly been because I’m a very slow reader. I usually start a book and I just read about a chapter a day, being constantly interrupted. Now that I have all of this extra time, I can read for longer periods of time. Something else that I’ve been doing more of has been practicing piano. I was hoping to go to a music camp in Montreal this summer, and it hasn’t been cancelled yet, so I might still get to go, but either way, I still have to practice if I want to be prepared. Before the break, I only practiced about an hour and a half each day, but now, I can practice up to 3 hours (not that I always do – it’s rare that I have the patience to sit down for 3 hours straight and make mistakes on the piano repeatedly without getting frustrated.) I have also been riding my bike more frequently. I don’t go on long bike rides, but I have a pretty calm but hilly neighbourhood, so I can bike around on the street for exercise and fun. I’ve gotten out into nature in general a bit more as well. There is a ravine near my house that my family and I walk around in quite often now, and we’ve gone out to a few lakes and rivers, and we’ve hiked a bit too. It’s probably because we don’t have many better things to do, but I’m glad that our need for activity is satisfied along with beautiful scenes and fresh air.

Like I said earlier, there are also things that the whole world can be happy about. The one that I think has been one of the biggest changes was how our climate and overall environment had improved. There are statistics everywhere on the media showing 2019 vs. 2020 data regarding the impact of less carbon being emitted. With the lack of airplane and car travel, in just a few months, there has been such a change. This is not only good for the environment at the moment, but it also shows everyone how fast we could change the planet for the better. It’s quite possible that one of the main reasons that climate change exists is just because humans don’t really think it’s worth all the time and work to fix, but this shows that it really doesn’t take a very long time to make such a difference. This sort of news has mostly been centred around China and Italy because that’s where the quarantine has been the most intense, but in Canada, there might also be a pretty significant change in the future as we stay inside as well.

These are only a few examples of how we can look at the world right now, rather than being constantly worried about the negative aspects.


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