A Fresh Look At The Periodic Table-Science9


My periodic table keeps all of the original patterns the old one had, but it also adds new ones. For example, my periodic table keeps the families and periods, and it helps people new to the original periodic table to understand how it works. Mine explains that the periods are connected and, why some Ions want to gain electrons, and others, want to lose electrons. My periodic table keeps the metal and non-metals separate but still linked to the metals. As well, I have colour-coded the families to show that they are similar, which is something that the original periodic table does not do. Also, my periodic table keeps all the valence shells, and valance electrons in order, we can see this as alkali metals are one away from being perfect, as they are close to the noble gases. Overall, my periodic table adds important patterns to the original periodic table, and it keeps all of the arrangements, the real one has. However, it is harder to carry in one’s backpack, making it worse for school than the original.



Define and Discover

The problem was that we needed to make our periodic table of elements while keeping all of the original patterns as adding more patterns to the periodic table.

What are some of the periodic tables that have already been made?

What are some patterns that the periodic table does not have?


The periodic table has many patterns like vacant shells and vacant electrons, families and periods. We could arrange our periodic table in a cylinder or a square, to show that the first element and the last are very similar despite being on opposite sides of the periodic table. We as well thought about using a different shape where the elements go in as squares look to displeasing as well as the overall shape of our periodic table colouring in the families to represent that all of those are connected in one way or another.


My periodic table keeps all of the original patterns the old one had, but it also adds new ones. For example, my periodic table keeps the families and periods, and it helps people new to the original periodic table to understand how it works. Mine explains that the periods are connected and, why some Ions want to gain electrons, and others, want to lose electrons. My periodic table keeps the metal and non-metals separate but still linked to the metals. As well, I have colour-coded the families to show that they are similar, which is something that the original periodic table does not do. Also, my periodic table keeps all the vacant shells, and vacant electrons in order, we can see this as alkali metals are one away from being perfect, as they are close to the noble gases. Overall, my periodic table adds important patterns to the original periodic table, and it keeps all of the arrangements, the real one has. However, it is harder to carry in one’s backpack, making it worse for school than the original.


I could have added in the lanthanoids and actanoids into my periodic table as well as made sure that my periodic table did not get crumpled up when carrying it to and from school. Though, I am proud of my periodic table I dislike how big it is. I could have fixed this by using smaller paper and drawing the circles smaller and closer to one another.

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