The Machine Stops and WALL-E english11 Project

Here is my poster using CANVA:

Resisting the Machine.

Propaganda has been used since civilization started. How would the propaganda look in The Machine Stops? In this propaganda poster, the design is simple, the coloring of the text and the background is intentional, green and blue for the colors most associated with nature. This was a decision I made because we know that humans in The Machine Stops have lost what it means to be with nature. So, the homeless in The Machine Stops would see the beauty of nature and use these two colors to symbolize it to mean resistance towards the Machine. Two touching fists in resistance to technology this is first due to two distinctly different hands touching which is something that in The Machine Stops is seen as taboo. It is also a fist as this is in defiance towards technology as technology is all around them so a hand without it would be revolutionary. The message “It’s time to live again.” Is in reference to the multiple quotes in The Machine Stops such as “Cannot you see, cannot all you lecturers see, that it is we that are dying, and that down here the only thing that really lives is the Machine?” (pg 18) This should inspire an awakening in these people like Vashti who at the end of the story realized that she never walked out of the cave. The hypothetical people who would read this message would see that there is more to life than their technology. The simple design was also done by choice, this is because people are scared of new ideas that do not come from the machine. So, the simple design is trying to lessen the severity of this new idea. So, this is what I think, a revolutionist poster would look like in The Machine Stops.


Synthesis composition of The Machine Stops and WALL-E:

How WALL-E and The Machine Stops shows clear predictions of our bleak future. However, we show hope unlike our successors in both fictions. WALL-E shows our not-so-distant successors, who are addicted to their technology in such a way where they do not know of a life outside their virtual worlds. This reminds you of people currently who do nothing but sit on their phones, if this is us now, what will we look like in a few hundred years? Well, this is exactly what The Machine Stops tries to tell us. A population of controlled humans, who only exist, to die “Cannot you see, cannot all the lectures see, that it is we that are dying, and that down here the only thing that really lives is the machine?” (pg 18) WALL-E makes the same prediction, “I don’t want to survive. I want to live.” (WALL-E Captain B. McCrea), already we see people wasting away their existence, without living, instead choosing to tap a screen hundreds of times a day. While we aren’t all there yet, we are getting dramatically closer each passing year. The damaging of the environment, with global warming growing, and with pollution worsening. We seem to be headed straight for this WALL-E predicted world. The arid wasteland of earth on WALL-E and in The Machine Stops is something we are already seeing here on earth, already three times the size of France is the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. Global climate up by 1.2 degrees Celsius globally since the 1950’s this is all due to advancements in technology, we have stopped caring for the earth. Instead, choosing to destroy it for the advancement of our toys. Very soon, will we need to hide underground from the pollution. Very soon, we will need to start up the WALL-E robots to clean up after our abandonment of nature. One of the reasons everyone is so dead in these fictional worlds, is because of the single big corporation which controls everything like Buy in Large from WALL-E. A massive company which takes absolute control, a company with all the money, and all the power. Something we see today, with just 6 large corporations controlling 90% of all mainstream media. However, we have hope, in The Machine Stops humans never tried to fix the pollution up above. But, in WALL-E they did, which is exactly what we need to strive for, and while current global efforts are not helping at the end of the day every single person matters. We have to be able to use our technology responsibly and have it help us instead of using it as a distraction. Just like at the end of WALL-E we must defy what the corporations want, and save our planet, and in the processes ourselves. A future of laziness, of corporate overlords, of dead nature, and most importantly of the take over of technology. Is something The Machine Stops, and WALL-E predict our future to be. Will we follow the dreaded path and have to learn from our mistake like the people in The Machine Stops? Or have we already learnt our lesson “Never, said Kuno, never. Humanity has learnt its lesson.” (pg 21)

NewMedia11-SpokenWord-Misinformation and disinformation online

This is my grade 11 spoken word on “The spread of misinformation and disinformation online.”



This is the script.

How many people can be mislead through the use of technology?

How severe is the misinformation online?

Let’s find out.

Imagine a world where 9% of the Canadian population doesn’t believe in global warming.

Imagine a world where 51% of the United States population is sceptical in the big bang theory.

Imagine a world, where 39% of the Canadian population is sceptical in the theory of evolution.

Wonder why these numbers sound so specific?

Well, that’s because you don’t have to imagine a world like t9his.

This is the world we live in.

Things taught to us in 7th grade with mountains of evidence, aren’t believed in by 39 or 51% of the population. How can this be?


Who are the perpetrators of this sin?

Stephen Meyers is guilty of this offense.

How bad could he possibly be I hear you asking?

I mean he has a PhD in science!

Associated with Prager U

(Yep that’s 3 million.)

Leading the discovery institute of science.

Yet he falls for every bias


Non sequitur


Conjunction fallacy

He denies evolution.

He denies the big bang.

Why? Money.

They take money from rich Christians, and disinform people about science to try their best to fulfil the wishes of their investors.

When Stephen comes under criticism he hides behind his PhD.

The existence of the discovery institute of “science”, is to promote religion through any means

even if it’s flat out lying and deceiving people by defamation of scientists and science.

Let that sink in

Even Nobel prize winners are some of his victims. AND MILLIONS OF PEOPLE BELIEVE AND FOLLOW HIS ORGANIZATIONS!


Now with Kent Hovind.
While he may not be as influential.

He is much more immoral.

Domestic abuse,

Tax evasion.

Oh did you miss that?

(Yes, he just said evolution is the most dangerous religion in the world.)

He has a masters degree from a university.

A diploma mill in the middle of the desert.

People buy his stories not knowing he does it as an advertisement for his amusement park.

Selling lies, going against science, against the government.


These are the two worst people that exist, obviously there are more. However, these two abuse technology and media in one of the worst ways possible.

Next time you go online. Make sure you aren’t following a charlatan.




Summative Assignment Are media platforms neutral?

New Media 11

Radmir G

Are media platforms neutral?


Photo: Daniel Gallant, What about social media neutrality?

What should one of the most viewed platforms in the world do if they had to choose between free speech, or stopping misinformation on one of the most viewed podcasts in the world?

Unluckily for Spotify, this is the cruel decision they have to make.

Censoring anyone is incredibly ruthless especially online, as it is what’s seen as a free world with free access and free speech, the ability to express yourself in anyway you want to. This is the main reason why people think that censoring Joe Rogan is completely unjust. In her February, 2022 article, The censoring of Joe Rogan is a tactic right out of old Soviet Union, writer Rebekah Koffler, says that “Joe Rogan vs. Spotify scandal is not about COVID and what constitutes proper medical protocols to fight it. It’s about the future of free speech in America.” These people think that they should be allowed to say anything they want to express their feelings, it doesn’t matter if what they are saying is misinformation or not. In his January, 2022 article, Joe Rogan Vs. Censorious Boomer Gods, writer Rod Dreher supports this view; “Joe Rogan has a right to be wrong, and I have a right to hear him and his guests be wrong, if I want to”.  People who side with this view think of giving Joe Rogan a warning before listening to his podcast is blatant cancel culture.


On the other side, people who want to remove Joe Rogan from Spotify, are saying that it is Spotify’s fault as they are giving Joe Rogan a platform to spread misinformation. And that Joe Rogan should not be allowed to state things which are obviously false, can hurt people, and at the end of the day get paid for it. In his January, 2022 article, Correcting COVID misinformation does not equate to cancel culture, writer Timothy Caulfield says; “It does harm, by both legitimizing the misinformation and creating an impression of false balance”. Joe Rogan is being supported by people, and so are his views about COVID, as well as his views on COVID treatment without anyone doing any research to back up his views. Due to this, many have suggested to put a label on Joe Rogan’s podcasts informing his viewers that they should be careful of misinformation.


It is obvious as a society that we should be stopping the spread of misinformation at the cost of censorship of certain opinions, especially during a global pandemic. A good example as to why is Joe Rogan’s COVID treatment claims. Where Joe Rogan claimed that Ivermectin had helped his battle against COVID. He then posted a video talking about his battle against COVID where he then recommends Ivermectin to his followers, who without doing any research start a craze for Ivermectin. Many people started to call this craze “horse dewormer craze” due to the amount of Ivermectin people were taking, supposedly people took Ivermectin in higher dosage than the recommended dose for a fully grown horse. This shows the obvious harmful potential of misinformation. Luckily, for the people who used Ivermectin to battle COVID, it had no serious negative side effects. However, it was completely possible that if instead of Ivermectin he proclaimed a different drug that had serious side effects, many people would have taken it instead of getting real help against COVID. Due to this, the battle against misinformation is crucial in our society. Thereby, media platforms should not be neutral when the conversation of misinformation comes up as, they have a responsibility to protect their viewers from harming themselves due to the information they get from their platform.