Silver lining A

During this really hard time while being able to do limited things I have found something to do that I really enjoy. I have always enjoyed art and drawing and right now is the best time to do it since i can’t go out. Over this time so far I have worked a lot of my artwork and completed quite a few drawings which are all put up on one of my walls. I find drawing to be a nice silver lining because its very relaxing and time killing when you find you have nothing else to do. Throughout working on my art I have worked on my painting skills a lot and have improved and painted a few cool things. I am also in art class which is nice because I get lots of weekly art assignments and projects which just add to all my personal artwork. During this time I think I’ve noticed that you can take a lot of small things for granted and once you aren’t able to do much you figure out the small things in life that are enjoyable even during hard times. I think in a sense the pandemic has changed me slightly in a good way by giving me more time to focus on the things I want to do and has shown me how to make the best out of a bad situation…

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