Biotechnology and core competency


Metagenomics is forever growing with all the studies and work being done with it. One of the newer advancements in metagenomics was combining It with bioremediation. Which is removing pollutants with microbes, metagenomics is simply analyzing microbial communities to view the uncultured microbiota. With new advancement, it shows that microbial communities applying biochemical pathways in degrading toxins could be an alternative to reducing pollution and toxic contaminants from our communities. Another advancement is the Genomic encyclopedia of bacteria and archaea project by JGI in 2007, which gave lots of new valuable information on microbial genomics. It was a pilot project to sequence 250 bacterial and archaea genomes which led to an increased number and diversity of novel proteins. And expanded annotate environmental metagenomic data by nearly 4%.

Metagenomics is best used for many different things such as analyzing microbial diversity, new proteins, enzymes, and new biochemical pathways. It can also be used to identify new genes in the environment, enzymes that degrade pollutants, enzymes that can reduce the effect of toxic oils. Metagenomics has become one of the most revolutionary ways in microbial ecology and is more so project-based, it initially started in cloning environmental DNA but has now developed to so much more. Metagenomics is now being used with other methods to find more information such as bioremediation and metagenomics, metagenomics and metatranscriptomics, and more.

The amount of studies on metagenomics has risen drastically over the past few years. It’s said In the future to come metagenomics will be used the same way as Rna gene fingerprinting to describe the different microbial communities. It is also thought that it will be a standard tool in most laboratories in the future. Sequencing technology has shifted from shotgun sequencing to classic sanger technology it has also shown it may be a large part of our future due to its low error rate. The rate of virus found by metagenomics is higher than all other methods combined there have been many studies done in the past decade on metagenomics and viruses. The future ahead for metagenomics and the things it can do is huge the possibilities are endless.,enzymes%20that%20make%20novel%20products.

core competency reflection