HCE 9-english write

This photo shows inclusivity and also a lack thereof. As you start on the left side of the picture, it starts with everyone dressed in a uniform all looking the same and the art is in black and white. The colour of this art really shows meaning on how they all feel as they start completely black and white as they slowly gain their culture back become happier and feel more included you can see the colour brighten in their skin and all their beautiful bright clothing. You can also see the gaze change from the people as the picture moves from one side to another. On the left side, they all seem to have very unpleasant facial expressions most look angry and very upset even as you begin to see colour in their skin they still seem very unhappy as they still are in uniforms. And on the right side, they all appear to be smiling seem happy and can express themselves. I think this art shows that not everyone is always wanted or included by others. On the left, you can see they do not have any of their cultural clothing or hairstyles because they could not be included looking like that. In the middle, you can see they are slowly starting to be accepted for who they are and included all the female’s hair has grown back to some extent and their expressions look slightly less gloomy. In the last part of the picture, you can see that residential schools are no longer taking away their culture and everyone has learned to include all cultures instead of being fixated on their own. They have happy facial expressions and can wear their cultural clothing and their skin becomes bright again. To me, this image shows no matter the past we can learn to include all.

monologue video- Ty’s feelings towards school

“Ya know Ion really understand why my mom wants me to stay in school so bad.. get a job do all this stuff with my life, I mean after all ain’t it my life anyways like why waste away all that precious time of mine learning stuff I ain’t never gonna use. And a job would just be another huge waste of time for me cause I can make what you make in a day in about 10 minutes its called business my man. Being a top hustler like me ain’t all as hard as it looks if you keep your eye on the prize and work for that money you can accomplish anything. I don’t see why I would eva need another job in the future if I keep making money the way I do its easy quick and fast the simple rule is just don’t get caught. Not only that, I gotta keep that family business together while my dad is locked up n I already know I got that red flag on my back with the police cause of him but I’ve worked around their system n I’m sneakier than any other of you ain’t nobody catching me. At the end of the day, I think being a hustler is what’s meant for me don’t think ill ever end up somewhere else but if I do oh well for now imma just stay on that grind and hustle because that’s what I know how to do. That other life just ain’t meant for me.”


monologue reflection:

For my monologue, I decided to choose ty because he plays the main role in the book and also seems to get a lot of action in it. I decided to use a scene of ty when his mom gets frustrated at him for not going to school and him trying to come back with reasoning as to why he thought the family business was more important. I also chose this scene as school has been something very controversial throughout the book at some points he was more interested than others in school and kept going back and forthFor ty, it was his way of saying he wanted to carry his dad’s business rather than live a normal life like his mom wanted for him and tried to make sure he would get it.I tried to bring ty to life by using some of the slang and language he would normally seem to use and add a bit of his carefree and cocky attitude to it as well. I also mentioned some of the stuff ty does such as hustling (drug dealing) to kind of show what type of person he is.

Silver lining A

During this really hard time while being able to do limited things I have found something to do that I really enjoy. I have always enjoyed art and drawing and right now is the best time to do it since i can’t go out. Over this time so far I have worked a lot of my artwork and completed quite a few drawings which are all put up on one of my walls. I find drawing to be a nice silver lining because its very relaxing and time killing when you find you have nothing else to do. Throughout working on my art I have worked on my painting skills a lot and have improved and painted a few cool things. I am also in art class which is nice because I get lots of weekly art assignments and projects which just add to all my personal artwork. During this time I think I’ve noticed that you can take a lot of small things for granted and once you aren’t able to do much you figure out the small things in life that are enjoyable even during hard times. I think in a sense the pandemic has changed me slightly in a good way by giving me more time to focus on the things I want to do and has shown me how to make the best out of a bad situation…