The Sea Devil


Why does the man fish by night? How does this lead to the conflict with the ray? What is significant about the fact that he doesn’t fish for a living? 

He goes fishing in the night because then, he would be able to catch around half a dozen mullets in around an hour. He doesn’t fish for a living because he liked working with his head over his hands. He liked fishing alone at night because he felt that reality seemed to be missing from his twentieth-century daily life.

3 examples of foreshadowing:

” If he moved quietly, he might pick up two or three in one cast close to the dock. And maybe a couple of others on the way down or back.” (pg. 33)

“Something perhaps the shadow of the skiff, had frightened them. The old dock loomed very close.” (pg. 36)

“Only by using his brain could he possibly survive and he called on his brain tO a solution; and his brain responded.” (pg. 40)

Identify the following parts of the story plot: the complicating incident/ a single crisis/ the climax, the resolution and the ending:

The complicating incident: When he fell into the lake.

 A single crisis: When he gets trapped in the net.

The climax: When he see the monster

The resolution: Swimming away from the monster and saving himself.

The ending: He saved himself but, made up his mind that he would never go casting alone in the night. 

One of the conflicts is between the civilized and primitive world (define these two words first). What is the purpose of the references made to the plane, the causeway, and the man’s wife at home?

Primitive world is when something is the first of its existing. Civilized world is everyone and everything is living in a well organized civilization. I think there was references mad because, it was the first time for this many seeing the ray and he was thinking back/ thinking of his wife at home.

What does the man learn at the end of the story? Why does he release the mullet?

He released the mullet at the end of the story because he felt how the mullet felt when he was trapped underwater. He let it go because when he was suffering underwater, the mullet was suffering up in the land therefore, I think he did it because he didn’t want to have the mullet suffer like how he did. At the end of the story, I think the man learned to never go casting alone in the night.

Find 3 examples of descriptive language:

“The skiff, flat-bottomed, was moored off the sea wall. ” (pg. 33)

“It veered wildly and turned back toward shallow water.” (pg. 39)

“He lifted his other hand and felt the hot blood start instantly, but he didn’t care.” (pg. 40-41)


Sullen: bad-tempered and gloomy.

Weltering: Move in a turbulent fashion.

elemental: Primary or basic.

Sinewy: Consisting of or resembling muscle.

Hoisted: Raise by ropes and pulleys.

Phosphorescence: Light emitted by a substance without perceptible heat.

Cordage: Cords or ropes, especially in a ship’s rigging.

Exhilaration: A feeling of excitement, happiness, or elation.

Atavistic: Relating to or characterized by reversion to something ancient or ancestral.

Centrifugal: Moving or tending to move away from a center.

Impeding: Delay or prevent by obstructing them.

Tenaciously: With a firm hold of something closely.

Respite: A short period of rest or relief from something difficult or unpleasant.

Equilibrium: A state in which opposing forces or influences are balanced.

Imminent: About to happen.

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