On The Streets Bleeding


What is the setting of the story?

The setting of the story is around 1980s to 1990s because they people are in gangs/ stereotyped groups were half the town are Royals and the other half is else. It is taken place in a rainy dark alley.

Who is the protagonist?

The protagonist is Andy who got stabbed

Who is Laura? Why is she important to Andy?

I think Laura is Andy’s girlfriend or fiancé. I think that she is import to her because she is his other half and he left her to go get cigarettes.

Who are the people that walk through the alley?

The people who waked down the alley are people from the other ‘gang’ therefore, they didn’t help Andy.

Explain some reasons why people do not help Andy?

The main reason why the people didn’t help Andy was because he was a Royal and everyone who passed was somewhat against the Royals. The other reason the people didn’t want to help Andy was because they were afraid that guardians would find out that they helped him. Another reason was the first guy who found Andy was drunk and wasn’t in the right mind state to help Andy.

What does his jacket symbolize?

I think the jacket symbolizes the group that he is apart of and it could be a gang.

At what point does Andy realize why he was stabbed?

I think he realized he the reason he was stabbed when the couple named Angela and Freddie went away from him because they didn’t want to get in trouble with the guardians. He also realized he was stabbed only because he was a Royal and if he wasn’t wearing his Royal’s jacket, he most likely wouldn’t have gotten stabbed.

What is the climax of the story?

I think the climax of the story is when the couple Freddie and Angela found him and didn’t want to help him because he was a Royal.

How does the police officer react to Andy’s death? Why does he react this way?

The police officer wasn’t fazed by Andy’s death at all. Instead the police officer takes his jacket and starts writing in his notepad with out trying to revive him because he was dead.


A Mountain Journey


1.What was Dave Conroy doing out in the wilderness? (motivation)

Dave Conroy was out in the wilderness because he was traveling to MacMoran’s cabin.

2. At what point does the reader know the protagonist is in serious trouble and not likely to make it to MacMoran’s cabin? (plot)

I think the readers know that the protagonist is in trouble when, he was thrown off of his skis and into the air hole.

3 . What three critical mistakes did Conroy make? What are some of the things he could
have done to prevent himself from freezing? (plot)

He could have waited another two weeks before traveling. If he waited longer, the snow would have melted down more. It would have made his traveling a lot easy with longer days. It would also be less cold.

4. Determine the elements of plot in this story: exposition, complicating incident, 3 crises,
climax, and the denouement.

Exposition: Explaining that Dave Conroy was tired after climbing the hill.

Complicating Incident: Breaking the tail after every step he took.

3 crises: Only two hours of daylight was left, traveling in the mountains all alone with a heavy backpack, he couldn’t sleep much.

Climax: When he got thrown off his skis and thrown into the cold air hole.

Denouement: He passed away.


5. Describe the setting – how does the setting affect the plot and the theme of the story?
What is the theme – write a theme statement for this story.

The setting is up in the mountains, it is also in around February during the winter. There is also some sort of storm/ blizzard happening. The weather effects the plot of the story because, if there wasn’t a storm/ snow, then that would completely change the story since the weather is a big part of the story. I think that the theme is persevering through all of you challenges.


6. Find one example of symbolic setting (concrete place that represents something abstract) and explain its meaning.

“Then he remembered that he was on his way to MacMoran’s cabin on Terrace Creek. MacMoran would
be waiting for him. He tried to rise, but his arms stayed still at his side. ” I think that this is a symbolic setting because, even though he was in trouble he still tried to get himself over to the cabin.

7. Quote four images from the story that make effective comparisons (figurative language:
simile, metaphor, and personification)

Simile: “He was beginning to feel like a ghost on an abandoned planet ” (pg 1)

Metaphor: “He bit his fingers. They were cold and white and unresponsive as a dead man’s. ” (pg 3)

Personification: “That tree, like a strong and lonely woman, called to his weary body to stop.” (pg 1)

“If he slept, his fire slept with him.” (pg 1)


Eternal: lasting forever

Immobility: Not being able to move

Opaque: not able to be seen through

Reverberation: extension of the duration of a sound

Momentum: the quantity of motion of a moving body, measured as a product of its mass and velocity.

Cadaverous: describing a corpse as very pale, thin, or bony

Congregated: gather into a crowd

Inundation: an overwhelming quantity of people or things.

Beggared: reduce someone to poverty.

Filched: steal in a casual way.