Desmos Art Functions Card 2022

  1. Finding the right equations to use was difficult but I ended up reflecting on my notes to find the right equation to use. If I used one and it wasn’t working the way I intended it to, I would try different equations to find which one would work the best.\
  2. Some obstacles I came across was no motivation and some equation difficulties. I found that with all the time that I was given, I lacked to get my project started in the first couple of weeks. I was able to overcome this challenge by focusing a lot of time into this project and setting aside long periods of time to finish huge chunks of my Desmos picture. Another challenge I faced was figuring out the right numbers for each equation. I found myself spending lots of time picking out the right numbers to either expand or compress many of my objects.
  3. A moment that really stood out to me was when I finally understood the tips and tricks to colouring in my Desmos graph. Finally understanding how to colour it really helped the process move a lot faster than it was going beforehand.
  4. I didn’t receive any help from anyone during this project.
  5. My strategy for this project was to set aside large chunks of time to actually do the project. I found that dedicating the entire day to work on the project really helped move things along smoothly.
  6. This project really helped me understand functions, relations, and transformations more as I was able to apply my knowledge and learning. It allowed me to see and understand how a whole number compared to fraction could effect an equation.


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