Week 8 – Math 9

Monday Oct 22nd

  • new seating
  • Introduction to exponents
  • homework: Exponents to describe numbers worksheet (found in onenote > homework)

Weds Oct 24th

  • check answers (key in one note)
  • Take our Kids to Work day (November 14th) – form due by Nov 8th (Consent form)
  • how to use our calculators with exponents
  • Lesson:  Introduction to exponent law – multiplication law (sometimes know as the product law)
  • online practice part 1 – try level 3 and then level 5 and if time level 7 –
    part 2 variable bases
  • homework: pg 105 #2,5-7 (partner work)
    mult law worksheet – complete the first column (post your work in your onenote in the homework section > “Oct 24 – exponent laws)

Friday Oct 26th

  • due:  Take your kid to work day consent form
  • Lesson – exponent laws part 2 – division and power law
  • online practice:  thatquiz
  • homework:  exponent laws AW part 2   # 3,4,5, (6,7,8) aceh  – (post a copy of your mark and corrected work in your onenote > homework > “Oct 26 – exponent laws”)


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