Tag Archives: trig

Week 3 – Math 10

Mon Sep 16 Warmup:  Scientific notation – quizizz (Ms. Burton will give you the code) skills check (answer key in the one note) chapter review (workbook – focus on sections that are challenging) Be sure that both week 1 and … Continue reading

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Week 7 in Math 10

Monday Oct 16th Unit 3 chapter test – hope you have your scientific calculator! NOTE:  All students who are needing to write the makeup test (because they were not prepared for the test …. blog posts not completed) it will … Continue reading

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Apr 4

Plan for the day: warmup: number types skills check (go to quizizz.com –  code: 742068 – work individually) chapter 4 practice test trig TGT (see below) Complete:  chapter 4 practice test ** must have week 7 blog post done to qualify to … Continue reading

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Mar 27th

Welcome back!  Hope everyone had a restful break ……  🙂 Plan for the day: Intro to trigonometry! (One of my favorite topics) – sure hope you have a scientific calculator …. you will need one for every class in this … Continue reading

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Trigonometry and LateX coding

If you don’t use the latex symbols of \sin \cos \tan but just type the word out, the spacing in the equation will be not ideal.    vs  

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