Polynomials – Math 10

math 10 – ch 5 and 6 assignment and vocabulary list

Lesson notes
L1  Review and preview (pg 265)
L2:  Multiplying a Polynomials by a Monomial ( pg 275)
L3:  Multiplication of two binomials (pg 285)  Multiplying binomials
L4:  Multiplication of polynomials – part 1 (pg 293) Multiplying polynomials 
L5:  Multiplication of polynomials – part 2 (pg 299)
L6:  Problem solving with polynomial products (pg 305)
L7:  Practice Test (pg 313)
Chapter 6 – FACTORING
L1 29B – taking out the GCF
web resource
L3 factoring simple trinomials part 1
L4 factoring simple trinomials part 2
L5 factoring difference of squares
L6 factoring ugly trinomials
further factoring

Big ideas:

  •  terms are just “mystery numbers”
  • only like terms can be added/subtracted
  • BEDMAS still applies to mystery numbers
  • everything can change when two terms are multiplied
  • multiplication of two numbers can be represented by the area of a rectangle
  • distributing is necessary when multiplying polynomials