Community Connections Alternate

  1. I have chosen evasive plants volunteer work because I have done it before. It helps our area a lot because evasive plant species steal all the local plant’s food and water making them die. This will benefit my future because it makes me go outside more and it gives me volunteer hours that are required for school. I also feel as this helps the community a lot.                                                                                                                                                  Wild parsnips: One of the most tenacious invasive plants ...                              
  2. The job opportunity I have chosen is a job at h mart being a cashier. This can give me a feel for being in the work industry. And will give me experience so I can pursue harder jobs. It isn’t required but it recommends having at least 1 year of experience before applying. I have many hours in volunteer work so that I could substitute the 1 year of experience but it may not. I just need to show I am capable and I am motivated.      Are Grocery Stores Really Safer than Restaurants? | FSR magazine

SMART Goals Reflection

My goal for reducing my ecological footprint was turning off the tap as I’m brushing my teeth, and to take 5-minute showers instead of 20 minutes. I did achieve my goal. I would remind myself every single time I brushed my teeth to turn off the tap to save that bit of water for the better.  I also completed the shower goal I used my phone to time how long I have in the shower. The most challenging part was adapting to the 5-minute shower. On the first day, I went super fast and had a minute to spare but on the second day, I was around 20 seconds late because I still had soap on me. I tried my best to complete it and I did it. Next time I would challenge myself to 5 minute cold showers. I will continue turning off my tap when brushing because it is a simple task which I can do. About the showers, I will try to cut my time down to 10 minutes.

Aquatic Adventures

Our class went out to the Coquitlam River and Oxbow pond and we were testing the water and catching invertebrate. For the Coquitlam River, the tests were air temperature, water temperature, pH, Nitrate, Nitrite, Hardness, and carbonate. The air temp was (11°c). the water temp was (10°c). pH was (6.2). nitrate (0). nitrite (0). hardness (30). carbonates (0). there has been little to no rain in the days we went to the river the wind was a light breeze. the water did not smell like anything the colour was clear. You could see no turbidity in the water the invertebrates we found in the water were only water treaders AKA (Mesovelioidea). We caught a good 25 of those but nothing else. all the proof shows that the Coquitlam river is quite healthy the water is clean low chemicals in the water look clear and doesn’t smell. Now Oxbow Pond is a whole different story it had a very brown colour. The water had a smell like rotten eggs and sewage. The mud can get you stuck because it’s like quicksand but mud that isn’t as deadly. for my group, we had somewhat messed up results they were completely different. For air temp, we had average or normal results for the temperatures our average for air was (15.5°) and water was (12.5°) now our messed up results were our pH, Nitrate, nitrite, hardness, and carbonate. for pH, we had (6). other groups had (7) and (6.5) which isn’t horrible. Nitrate levels for us were (o) other groups had (20) that is a huge difference. nitrite wasn’t that messed we had (0) when others had 0.5 still a big difference. the water hardness spiked for our group we had a (60) when others only had (30) we doubled the average group’s number. Carbonate was again double with (80) and the average was (35) we ended up only 1 species of invertebrates water treaders we also found a couple of baby rainbow trouts and several water treaders but not anything else. In conclusion, the river was quite healthy as for the Pond it was murky, disgusting and smelly meaning not healthy for most organisms.


This is an unidentified bug that was found in the water from the oxbow pond.
This is one of the water treaders we found in the Coquitlam River.
This is a dead water treader who lost both his back legs.
This is another unidentified bug who sadly died in the water upon catching it.
this is Coquitlam river and in the background is the bridge that goes over the river

Digital Footprint.

  1. How might your digital footprint affect your future opportunities?                                                                                   If I was a very toxic person and would always post offensive tweets an employer could easily just google your twitter account and decide if they want to hire you. I could also have a very nice and not toxic twitter and post nice things about people then maybe the employer will decide that this is a very nice guy and should be hired
  2. Describe at least three strategies that you can use to keep your digital footprint appropriate and safe                      1. Don’t post offensive or inappropriate things.                                                                                                                      2. Keep away from commenting rude things on other posts.                                                                                                3. Be nice to people to make your digital footprint full of positive messages instead of toxic mean messages
  3. I would always make your footprint positive like accomplishments that you are really proud of and not if you had done a crime and that would show up.


Will Humans Ever Evolve Into A Superior Human.

                                            Will Humans Ever Evolve into Superior Humans in The Future?

There is the theory that future humans 1 million years later will have way larger brains. Also, some theory’s that we will merge with machines, I believe we will evolve again. Humans have also added 3-4 inches to the average height since 1800. I believe we can evolve again. Only toddlers 11,000 years ago could digest milk. An adult could not digest milk. It would not digest and make them bloated, have diarrhea, cramping and nausea. Humans in the future will be way smarter than we are now. The average future human will have the knowledge a genius scientist has right now. Humans can live forever if we find out how to upload the human body to an android. That would mean we wouldn’t age. We also need to find a way to upload our minds with all our memories. Which is Extremely hard. It is possible but the brain is just way too complex to just simply upload it. We haven’t even conducted 1 brain transplant. Which says a lot if we want to do something that hard. I really think humans in 1 million years will be tall huge brained cyborgs with mechanical organs to live for a much longer time or even forever.

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This video is not supported by research by scientists but is still a great example of what humans might look like.                                                                         |                                                                                                                                                                                                                   \/

Credit: Gratisography
