Electric House — Solution Fluency

Define: We were assigned to make an electrical house, it was a challenge to us because we didn’t have enough time to communicate between our partners since school was the only way for us to meet and discuss this project.

Discover: We had to figure out how and where to connect the circuits in the house, we faced some difficulties but it all worked at the end all four circuits worked without any glitching.

Dream: we had many great idea’s and combined them together to make a great house. sure we did have some problems but with our great teamwork we were able to make things work.  though we didn’t have the time to finish painting the outside, the house looked great from the inside.

Deliver: the final day of the project, all our circuits worked easily with one try. we were really proud of what we did.



Science 9 project

What questions did you need to research in order to create your cube?

  • where was iron found?
  • What is iron?
  • Who found the element iron?
  • Facts about the element iron
  •  Element Iron details/history
  • What is it used for?

What new or familiar digital tools did you try to use as you worked through this project?

  • Google.kr/ ca./ tr.
  • Naver.kr

What was the process you used to investigate the topic?

  • searched a variety of cites to get as much as information about my element as possible.

How did you verify and cite the information you found?

  • see if the information I got is the same or at least similar to the ones I viewed on other cites

How did the process of completing this challenge go? What could you have done better?

  • it wasn’t easy yet it wasn’t hard either.. what I could have done better: search more to get way more info than I already have.

What If the Moon Orbited at the Same Height as the ISS?

What If the Moon Orbited at the Same Height as the ISS?
1. The moon will look a lot bigger because it’s so close to earth “it would be 420 km above the earth’s surface” which means it’ll look half of the sky~
2. Because the moon will be so close to earth it’ll block the sun, the Plato can be seen to the upper right, if a person saw the Plato they would be dead considering the fact that earth is more massive than the moon it’ll pull you about 300,000 harder than the moon~
3. The force of gravity gets weaker with the distance of the moon~
4. They moon would probably be destroyed by tidal forces and that could create huge disasters on earth~
5. It will cause earthquakes, volcanoes, heat up due to air resistance, living things die “Humans, Animals, Plants”~
6. You would weight 10% less than you are now if the moon was closer~
7. Because the moon is so close to earth you would see it every 90-100 min everyday~
8. If the moon was a lot closer to earth it would move faster to avoid crashing into earth~
9. It would pull tides which will make them way bigger and higher and the tides on the other side will be lower~
10. Due to volcanoes, oceans might boil because of the high heat released from volcanoes which will leave you with water lava~

In this video you will get to see how the moon looks like when its really close to the sun. It also shows you how the moon blocks the sun and how it looks like when it happens. Video by yeti dynamics this video was taken in mexico and animated by that youtuber. “watch in full screen for a better effect”

this pic shows how the moon looks like when its really close to earth..


What if the moon orbited Earth at the same distance as the International Space Station?



Dragon’s Project

  1. Our group thought of making a teleporting machine that teleports people from a certain place to another. that innovation took us a lot of time to design because we needed to find the right motor and wires to make this work, but we didn’t give up and made it work.
  2. our group worked hard to to come up wit great ideas to add to the teleporting machine, like have a   hologram instead of a screen, a watch or some other preferred jewelry instead of a big machine etc.
  3. From what our group experienced it is for the best if we try to communicate and help each other. I    learned about electricity and how to make a circuit. what helped is that I didn’t  give up on this project  and tried harder to finish this project as soon as possible. what i would do differently if I ever get to do again is to definitely get the group together….

Solution Fluency

Define: while it takes so much time to travel to other places using the current transportation methods such as “Cars,Trains and Planes etc”.  it could take up to at least 2-3 days on a plane and much longer if you are driving. That’s why it’s much better if you have a teleportation machine.

Discover:  Teleportation is something that is still way far from achieving. some people think about how cool it will be if you can teleport to other places with a small machine other than riding on a plane or driving a car all the way etc. But if teleportation happens and it becomes some kind of technology that people who work in an airport or some kind of other transportation resource wouldn’t like it because eventually no one will ever use the long distance transportation, and they will go bankrupt.

Dream: it would be really nice if people started using a teleportation machine to transport to other places outside of the country. Ex. Canada to South Korea/ Canada to Japan something like that. the teleportation machine won’t be something that you will hold in your hands, it will be attached to the person and the way it works is when a person wants to teleport to a certain place all they have to do is press a button and a screen will appear in front of them then they have the choice of either saying where they want to go and teleport there of write where they want to go “enter” and then teleport to the place.

Deliver:   The teleportation machine will be as small as a button that you can push for the screen to appear in front of a person. For charging the teleportation machine all you have to do is to expose it to warm things and it’ll charge right away

     *imagine this pic in front of you*

something similar to that.