What literature has taught me about the effects of racism.

In the book “Indian Horse” and “Sugar Falls” both Saul and Betty went through similar cultural genocide. However in the book “Indian Horse” Saul went through much greater racism and discrimination. When Saul was sent to the residential school, the Sisters bathed him, shaved his hair, changed  his name and banned him and the others from speaking their language or practice their cultural traits and religion. When Saul started playing Hockey, he started noticing more racism and discrimination from others such as whenever he goes on ice the fans from the other team threw plastic dolls (F.N.//Indian Dolls), paper, trash and sometimes he sees a cartoon of an Indian guy with an Indian stick instead of a hockey stick in the papers the fans threw.

In the book “Sugar Falls” Betty’s mother had abandoned her because she didn’t know how to take care of Betty in any other way. Her mother was another survivor of residential school and its abuses “I don’t have a daughter, I don’t want one any longer” is what her mother said. When Betty was taken to the Residential school, Betty faced similar things to what Saul faced such as; bathing, cutting hair, changed name/culture/religion/language, banned from speaking their own language and practice culture and religion. When spoken their language they would get beaten “you are to speak only English and not your filthy language”

Effects: caused trauma, shame of own culture, language and country, habits into drinking/drugs, treating others the way they were treated, not know how to express their emotions.

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