My Graduation Plan

  • Healthy Living
    • This year, I am going to continue to play competitive soccer and do P.E. 10 to meet DPA requirements (150 mins/week of moderate to vigorous physical activity).
    • Next year, I will continue to play competitive soccer and do P.E. 11 to meet DPA requirements.
    • Other than physical activity, I will also need a concrete plan for healthy eating and stress management in order to lead a healthy life after graduation.

Course Credits

  • I need __80__ credits to graduate. A typical course is worth __4__
  • __48__ of them must be from required courses.
  • __28__ of them must be from electives.
  • __16__ of them must be from Grade 12 courses.
  • At the end of this year, I will have __32__ credits


  • Community Connections
    1. I need __30__ hours of work/volunteer experience. To show I completed this, I must show proof in the form of __documentation (pay stub)___ or __reference letters__.
    2. I can start accumulating these hours in Grade 10
    3. My plan to earn work/volunteer hours is through a summer job and volunteering in the community
    4. I will also need to complete a reflection that includes employability skills, what I did, and how I benifitted from it. It will be __200__ typed words minimum.
  • Career and Life
    1. In addition to updating my resume, I will also create post-secondary plans using the career life and financial template to show that I have a plan in place after graduation.
    2. When I graduate, my current plan is to go to university to study to become a doctor.
  1. Interview
    1. To prepare for the interview, I can look at the questions ahead of time. They are found on the GT website.
    2. My interview will be with a __­­­_riverside teacher (rap teacher)___.
  2. The 3 people at Riverside who are here to help with this process are:
    1. Mr Ahmelich
    2. Counsellors
    3. Ms David

In Grade 12, I will find all the necessary documents AND submit them before the end of grade 12 (English 12 course)

I will complete Grad Transitions 12 whenever I have English 12. If I have it in 1st semester, I must complete everything except the interview before the sale of winter ball tickets In 2nd semester, everything except the interview must be completed before the end of april.

Workplace Safety

To keep myself safe at work I will:

  • think about my safety/life as more important than my job
  • make sure I know my rights as a worker
  • make sure to report/document any injury even if its small

To keep others safe at work I will:

  • report any hazards I see regarding other peoples job
  • inform other people about my knowledge if I see that they could use it

What story resonates with you the most, why? What did I learn from it?

Personally I think Matt’s story stuck with me the most because of two reasons. The first was because of his age, he was only 19 at the time. This just shows you whole life ahead could be compromised because of one small decision. Also because of how he had a gut feeling or vision of the oil spilling on him before it actually did. That was the biggest point because he actually saw what would happen before it did and he should have stopped and trusted his gut feeling. I learned how my whole life could change at an early age if don’t trust my gut feeling which is always the thing thats right.




Week 17 Math 10


This week we started on our last chapter in math 10, systems of linear equations. We learned about the 3 different ways to solve these equations. The 3 ways are, graphing, substitution, and elimination, my favourite being elimination.

Graphing example:

  • Always make both given equations into slope y-intercept form (y=mx+b)
  • m= slope & b= y intercept
  • only use this when you have small and simple numbers (no fractions or decimals as the y intercept because they can be hard to graph)
  • graph both lines with the 2 bits of information (slope and y-intercept)
  • find the spot where the 2 lines intersect and find its coordinates (this is your answer)

Substitution example:

  • It doesn’t matter what variable you iscolate first
  • To get the second variable (x or y) substitute the number you got on the previous step into the x or y place and solve again
  • ALWAYS check your answers by putting the coordinates back into both equations and solving to see if the equation works
  • Need to know BEDMAS and algebra to solve

Elimination example:

  • your goal is to make a zero pair with one of the 2 variables (doesn’t matter what one)
  • zero pair= when 2 numbers add to zero so they just cancel out and disappear
  • to make a zero pair you need one positive and one negative of the same number and variable
  • like in substitution when you have solved for one variable put in back into the equation to solve for the other
  • example of zero pair= -2x & 2x
  • if there arnt already any zero pairs you can make one by multiplying an entire equation by the same number
  • after cancelling out a zero pair add the 2 equations together
  • after adding and finding the first variable solve for the other variable by inputing the x or y into the other equation
  • ALWAYS CHECK your answer by inputing both variables into their places and solving

Week 16 Math 10

This week we learned about equations, and how all of the numbers and variables mean something. The number beside the x in an equation is equal to the slope and the last number is the y intercept. In a example below I am going to show and explain how a t-chart, graph and equation can all represent the same thing. If you have one of these things (a graph or t-chart or equation), you can make the other 2 with just that information. I found it cool how all of these are intertwined and how they are related. Even though they all look very different they contain and display the same information, it doesnt matter how you present it, in either of the 3 ways the viewer will take out the same data.

Things to know:

  • the number beside the x is the slope
  • the last number that you add or subtract is the y-intercept
  • the slope is equal to rise/run
  • if the slope is a whole number you put that number over 1 (run=1)
  • in a t-chart when displaying the data the rise=y and run=x (add the run of the slopes fraction to the first column which is x, and the top number of the slopes fraction to the second y column of the t-chart)


Week 15 Math 10

Comparing different methods to find slope:

At the beginning of this week we learned how to find the slope of 2 points without a graph. Before, we were taught to count the rise and run from the boxes on a grid but without the grid lines it makes it pretty challenging to determine the slope of a line. This is where we would use a formula, this does the same thing it is just a different way to find slope. The only requirement is that we are given 2 coordinates with 1 x and y value each.

In an example below I will use the same two coordinates on a graph and in a formula to prove that you will still end up with the same slope no matter what method you use.

*the formula is y(#1)  –  y(#2) / x(#1   –   x(#2) /// the first y in coordinate 1 subtract the y in coordinate 2 divided by the first x in coordinate 1 subtract the x in the second coordinate*

What you need to know:

  • the first number in a coordinate is x
  • the second number in a coordinate is y
  • the second coordinate is 2
  • the first coordinate is 1
  • two negatives equals a positive (1-(-2) = 1+2)
  • always y/x (remember this by rise=y & run=x // (rise/run)


Comparing slope:

We also learned about the term “collinear” this is a word used a lot in this unit of slope so it is important to understand its meaning. This term is referring to the relationship between 2 or more points/coordinates on a graph. In other words you are looking a weather the points all have the same slope. This also requires the use of the slope formula when you aren’t given a graph. The example below is demonstrating how to solve a question that is asking if points are collinear, with and without a graph (use of formula).

Collinear: is the slope of 3 or more points the same (do they line up to make a straight line)