Nasal Cancer – Mutation Story


The making of the cancer story

Some of the questions I needed to research were: ‘What happened to you as a gene’, ‘What cause your mutation’, ‘What effects does nasal cancer have on your host’s body’, ‘How was the host affected, what is their story’, and ‘How is nasal cancer treated’.

When researching for this project I used Google. I found very factual sources, like the official website for cancer research in Canada, and a government funded website in the US, for medical research. It took a while to find some information on this cancer, since it’s a very rare cancer, and there is not much information.

It took a while to look for information on this cancer, I spent a while reading articles, and facts about nasal cancer, before choosing the right websites to get my information from.

For verifying I checked if the website seemed real or not, like we did in school. Since multiple websites had the same information, it should be true. I also asked for my mom to ask my grandparents, since they are surgeons. They gave me most of my information, and it was very helpful. I also added citations in the bottom of this post, using the citation machine.

The overall process of this post was pretty challenging, but easy at the same time. I used a lot of new resources to find information, like the Riverside Digital Library. It took a while to find the right information about this rare cancer, but I looked at the criteria to make sure what I was posting was correct. I think my story explained the cancer pretty well, but it was a bit difficult since there wasn’t much information on the cancer. Thanks to my grandparents, I added some more information that I couldn’t find online.


Medicine, National Library of. “Nasal Cancer | Paranasal Sinuses | MedlinePlus.”MedlinePlus Trusted Health Information for You. National Cancer Institute, 10 May 2016. Web. 18 June 2017.

Society, Canadian Cancer. “Symptoms of Nasal Cavity and Paranasal Sinus Cancer – Canadian Cancer.” Canadian Cancer Society, 13 Nov. 2014. Web. 18 June 2017.

Letter to Trump about Paris Accord

Hello Mr. Trump,

I understand what you’re trying to say, but I disagree. But I know that you are entitled to you wrong opinion, and I hope this letter persuades you to do the right thing.

First of all, temperature, and sea levels have risen severely in the past decade, and yet you decide to call global warming a hoax created by the Chinese to ruin your economy? Even China has decided to to develop wind and solar powered projects and power plants, and they’re the #1 source of pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. But, your country is right behind them and is the second biggest provider of greenhouse gas emissions, and you decide to leave the Paris Accord that could singlehandedly save your country. The fact that almost 200 countries around the world have signed this agreement, should open your eyes and make you realize that America is in trouble.

Secondly, do you have any idea about the impact this is making on the citizens of your country? When their ‘leader’ decides to bail out of a monumental worldwide agreement for saving the world, your citizens will have the same mindset as you. When their leader thinks that global warming isn’t an issue, neither will they. Climate change is mainly from the people, and when they aren’t motivated to start lowering their power, water, gas, and heat usage, then you’ve really done something wrong. Even your staff, and your own daughter advise you to stay in this agreement. You need to be a good role model and prove to the people of your country, that climate change is worth fighting for. Your children, and their children could possibly live in an overheated, water risen country, on the verge of disaster, thanks to you and your ignorant decision.

And lastly, the impact you’re doing for the world. If you think that you backing out of the agreement wouldn’t do any harm, think again. Since you’re the world’s second largest producer of greenhouse gases, right behind the country that you thought made up global warming, (who also is combatting against climate change, learn something from them) billions, and billions of carbon dioxide would be produced just because of your ‘harmless action’. Ice will melt, water will rise, and the world will be damaged, piece by piece, faster than ever before.

So Mr. Trump, I hope you realize that you’ve made an unacceptable decision for your country. But you know what, I could have been wrong this whole time! The economy is way more important than half of your population needing to flee your country, the produce industry being ruined, and your country falling apart. Maybe I was wrong! Learn something from this, your tiny decision that ‘couldn’t make an impact’, is more drastic than you think.

~ Kalen

How Things Work – Electric Eel

One of the main problems that the eel faces is finding food. Although it might be easy for it to hunt prey (by just electrocuting them), it takes around 15-20 seconds to generate the electricity needed to kill prey. While the eel is generating all that voltage, the prey can easily escape and realize that it’s about to get eaten. Also, another problem that the eels face are bigger predators, like alligators. Although the eel can easily kill the prey, the amount of effort that it takes to generate all the voltage to shock it, can be enough to tire our, and kill the eel in the process.

The electric eel has 3 main organs. The main organ, the hunter’s organ, and the sach’s organ. The organs make up 4/5 of the eels body, and gives it the ability to generate 2 types of electric organ discharges; low voltage, and high voltage. These organs are made up of electrolytes, in a ‘series circuit’ formation, so a current of ions can flow through and stacked, so each one adds to a potential difference. In the electric eel, some 5,000 to 6,000 stacked electroplaques can make a shock up to 860 volts and 1 ampere of current (860 watts) for two milliseconds. The Sach’s organ is associated with electrolocation. Inside the organ are many muscle-like cells, called electrocytes. Each cell can only produce 0.15 V, though the organ can transmit a signal of nearly 10 V overall in amplitude at around 25 Hz in frequency. These signals are emitted by the main organ; the Hunter’s organ can emit signals at rates of several hundred hertz. On one side of the eel is where the positive charges are located, and negative charges are located on the opposite side. They travel in a circle in the Sach organ, before transferring into the main organ for the electrons to exit.

Electric eels rarely harm people, but, when necessary, electric eels can generate enough voltage to shock a human, and possibly kill, or harm them. But, as always, the eel needs enough time to generate the right amount of electricity in order to do enough damage. But, they can also be a necessity for third world countries that don’t have enough electricity. The shock from a single eel, can generate enough electricity to power a whole village of around 1300 people for a few hours. Imagine how much they can generate with multiple shocks, and multiple eels. It might be inhumane to force the voltage out of the eel, because it is possible that when it’s finished producing all the electricity, it will die in the process. Also, it is very difficult for marine biologists to examine the eel, due to the high possibility of being shocked.

Electric eels don’t cause much harm on the natural world. But, for each electric voltage, and shock that it delivers to a certain organism in the water, it is possible that a bit of pollution is able to generate from the voltage, and also, it can harm the other living organisms around it.

It is very possible that the volts from the shock can transfer onto other organisms and possibly damaging them.

The electric eel has no known weaknesses, for protecting themselves. They generate enough electricity to shock an alligator, until it dies. It can protect itself from any animal, and anything that comes in it’s path. But, many things are able to devour the eel, and sometimes, the electric eel doesn’t have enough time to generate enough voltage in order to kill whatever is harming it.


Model of the electric eel & it’s main organs & functions:


Digital Footprint – Kalen Z

A Digital Footprint isn’t something most people would think about in their spare time. But in fact, it is something that can damage your whole future in a whole. A Digital Footprint basically sums up who you are, what you do and what you stand for, and sometimes, with just a click of a button, your whole life could crumble down.

So I Googled myself to make sure that my life is still intact, and what I found was pretty surprising. I use the internet every day of my life. I post things, comment things, like, you name it, every day of my life. You would think that a person like me who uses the internet this much would have a large background history on Google, but you thought wrong. All that there was were a bunch of random links, that weren’t even related to me. The only things that I could find that  referenced me were my Facebook, and my EduBlog including all of my posts. screenshot-2016-10-02-at-11-47-16-amscreenshot-2016-10-02-at-12-18-53-pm

The rest, a bunch of people with the same name as me I didn’t even know existed. Photos of me? Not a chance, the only photo that I could remember using is the header of my EduBlog. Pretty shocking I know.

If you’re wondering how a Digital Footprint could affect your entire life, here’s all you need to know. Imagine you’re about to apply for college or university.Image result for college interview There’s a 110% chance that they’re going to search you up on Google to make sure that accepting you is the right choice. Imagine they find photos from parties, tweets and posts that are harmful, comments that are bashful, that are all from you. article-0-1be5c1e5000005dc-434_634x630

Then, you won’t get accepted into any university, so, you apply for a job. But, little do you know that your manger at your job will do the same. Before hiring you they will look at every single post, comment, photo from you that exists online, and before you know it, you won’t get hired. I bet you didn’t think that a post could have this much build up. shutterstock_55541650-300x201

If you don’t want these things to happen to you, it’s not too late to clean up your track record.

  1. You can T.H.I.N.K, is it True, is it Helpful, is it Inspirational, is it Necessary, and is it Kind. If what you’re going to post doesn’t fall into any of these categories, think again. Sure this might seem childish, but one day, these things will come back to bite you. The main point in this is it Necessary. If it’s useless and there’s really no point to posting it, it could really help you out. Another point is, is it Rude? Because if it is, there is absolutely no point in posting that. It is just mean and harsh and could hurt the person you’re targeting, and could hurt you. No matter what website you use people can see anything and everything. So THINK. cgcycpeuiamziik
  1. Another strategy you can use is just be a smart person and think before you post. Before you post there is only one thing you need to think about. If you posted this, would your family be ok to see it. If not, then simply don’t post it. Some things just aren’t meant to be shared and if you think that your single post, comment or tweet could effect someone, then just click that cancel button. Just think, that your post…it could effect you more than the other person.  shocked-women-family

What I just want you to know is that the internet is a fun place, but it can be very dangerous at the same time. Posting something is just easy as a few clicks but deleting it will take time. Sure there’s a delete button at the top but is it really gone forever? Screenshots, data bases will all gather up all the evidence that you posted something mean and harsh which could ruin your whole career. So before you post anything, please think about it, no matter how funny you think it is or how it was just a “mistake”, it will always come back to haunt you. google-digital-footprint-1

CONVO10 – Podcast – M.A.K

Kalen, Ally, Mak – Podcast

Culture de divertissement – podcast

  •  A : Brad et Angelina leur divorce « Drunk Brad abuses kids on the plane »
  • A : Gigi Hadid veut « rejoindre » avec Zayn
  • M : Kim Kardashian et son amitié avec Taylor Swift + Kylie et ses lignes de maquillage
  •  Des nouvelles chansons de Katy Perry et Lady Gaga
  • M : Adam Levigne avait un fil appeler Dusty  (née sept. 21)
  • Semaine de mode
  •  K: La voyage internationale d’Ariana Grande


Plan du podcast:

Émission #1 (MAK-tembre):


  • Évènement qui on arrivé dans le mois de Septembre. 
  • Nous allons parler du culture populaire, la mode, des évènement important dans la vie des célèbre.
  • Nous allons discuter notre opinion sur chaque thème.
  • Aves les effet sonnaire.


Dans la moi de MAK-tembre ont vais parler de la culture populaire, la mode et des évènements important dans la vie des célèbre. Sur chaque sujet on va discuter notre opinion sur chaque thème. Dans chaque émission il aurait des effet sonnaire, et des annonces publicitaires. Dans cette édition de MAK la manchette est le nouveau bébé de Adam Levine. Et les autre sujet qu’on vais parler de c’est le divorce de Brad et Angelina, la voyage international d’Ariana Grande, la querelle de Taylor Swift et Kim Kardashian, la semaine de la mode, l’échec de la chanson de Lady Gaga, un crise de la famille Kardashian/Jenner et dune admirateur fou. 


Intro : un son du maïs souffle qui éclate (pop)



